Dealing with aggressive goose

More the respect he THINKS he deserves. When I put them up at night he tries to pick on them but I push him away with my guide pole and he backs of. The bicker a bit in the house but settle down pretty quickly. I do have to watch when I let them out in the mornings. Sting will try to latch on to the wing of one of the other ganders and if I don't stop him he won't let go.
I hope Vickyd5 will post back with pics it will be interesting to see what she has. Sex and Breed.

Sting is the oldest and he has to teach the younger to respect their elders. One day he may get knocked off his pedestal.As Sam probably will.
I hope Vickyd5 will post back with pics it will be interesting to see what she has. Sex and Breed.

Sting is the oldest and he has to teach the younger to respect their elders. One day he may get knocked off his pedestal.As Sam probably will.
The sooner the better for me. I am not a big fan of all this infighting. And, I have it to look forward to with my ducks now that I know that Goldie and Uno are both drakes. They get along fine together but the other drakes will probably not be friendly to them in the spring.
The sooner the better for me. I am not a big fan of all this infighting. And, I have it to look forward to with my ducks now that I know that Goldie and Uno are both drakes. They get along fine together but the other drakes will probably not be friendly to them in the spring.
I know It's such a pain to try and balance it all out sometimes I would just let them work it out then someone would end up bloody. I think your idea of having a bachelor pen is a good idea then will you rotate your drakes in and out? what about your ganders will they have an opportunity to pair up?
Mine has gotten very nasty as well. Lowers the head, and slowly, comes at you, then the wings go, he's airborne, legs kicking, wings flapping, and bites. He's the only goose, got him with a duck, and they think they are two of the same, be it geese or ducks. Hisses, screams at the sight of me. Tried stretching out the arm and pointing and yelling no, didn't work, he comes back for more. I finally grabbed him by the neck, seemed to work as he ran off then, but good grief this is not fun at all. I'm the only one he attacks around here. Was thinking of finding a female for him, but after reading some posts on here I guess maybe that's a bad idea should they hatch any eggs, and if I have to wear armor to get to the eggs, well then, I think it's best he finds a new home or lop off his head, which I don't want to do either. Fence him in, sure, but what kind of life is that? Plus I would still have to go in there and feed him, lol. So not sure if more geese is a solution, maybe he needs a few of his own kind? Will put up with it for now as sorell boots offer great protection, but he still gets through jeans, and I'm dreading the day of flip flops and shorts even when I'm nowhere near him, who knows where he'll be hiding in wait.......
Mine has gotten very nasty as well. Lowers the head, and slowly, comes at you, then the wings go, he's airborne, legs kicking, wings flapping, and bites. He's the only goose, got him with a duck, and they think they are two of the same, be it geese or ducks. Hisses, screams at the sight of me. Tried stretching out the arm and pointing and yelling no, didn't work, he comes back for more. I finally grabbed him by the neck, seemed to work as he ran off then, but good grief this is not fun at all. I'm the only one he attacks around here. Was thinking of finding a female for him, but after reading some posts on here I guess maybe that's a bad idea should they hatch any eggs, and if I have to wear armor to get to the eggs, well then, I think it's best he finds a new home or lop off his head, which I don't want to do either. Fence him in, sure, but what kind of life is that? Plus I would still have to go in there and feed him, lol. So not sure if more geese is a solution, maybe he needs a few of his own kind? Will put up with it for now as sorell boots offer great protection, but he still gets through jeans, and I'm dreading the day of flip flops and shorts even when I'm nowhere near him, who knows where he'll be hiding in wait.......
@Raquel your not alone in this, I and many others are dealing with hormone driven ganders right now, but you need to put a stop to his aggressive behavior especially his biting and flogging you. Oh yes I have to deal with it daily and only thing that keeps me going and I have been putting up with this going on 9 yrs now is breeding season will be over in June yep a long time away but they do begin to mellow out after that. As long as no goslings are around. lol so your going to have to show tough love to your gander. my gander thought for 5 yrs he was a giant duck[Muscovy] so I know what that is like too. Here is a thread that may help you at least stop the biting.

Let us know how it's going
I too am having infighting. First time for me having to actually deal with it. I have more geese this year plus a new one they haven't fully accepted. I had to break up a fight for the first time between a couple of mine. They were flogging and biting each other. I pulled them apart because of the fact that it was getting late and i needed to lock them up for the night. Separately obviously. Anyway, I got bitten and hit a number of times. Interestingly enough neither was trying to get me at all. All my injuries were from sticking myself in the middle. They just tried to get around me to go back to their fight. They just gave me looks like get out of the way I don't want to fight you. I of course won, and will win any fight they or I decide to involve myself in. I am a much bigger bird them the two of them combined but still it was a major ouch. Anyone having to stop a goose fight should be aware that its way worse then having one go after you. Only get involved if you really need to and be careful. Hormones sure do a number on the males this time of year. I can't wait for things to go back to normal.
I too am having infighting. First time for me having to actually deal with it. I have more geese this year plus a new one they haven't fully accepted. I had to break up a fight for the first time between a couple of mine. They were flogging and biting each other. I pulled them apart because of the fact that it was getting late and i needed to lock them up for the night. Separately obviously. Anyway, I got bitten and hit a number of times. Interestingly enough neither was trying to get me at all. All my injuries were from sticking myself in the middle. They just tried to get around me to go back to their fight. They just gave me looks like get out of the way I don't want to fight you. I of course won, and will win any fight they or I decide to involve myself in. I am a much bigger bird them the two of them combined but still it was a major ouch. Anyone having to stop a goose fight should be aware that its way worse then having one go after you. Only get involved if you really need to and be careful. Hormones sure do a number on the males this time of year. I can't wait for things to go back to normal.

I agree! with 3 ganders on the place... I don't have enough room to keep them away from each other some days
I posted on another thread, that I had success with a convenience store cup placed oved my aggressive ganders head while I grabbed eggs off the nest, he couldn't back up so could only gyrate his neck around, made it very easy to control the head with only 1 hand. Easy to get onto his head too, since he was trying to bite the foremost thing, so I offered the cup and popped it on his head one handed. No worries about missing his neck or getting my fingers nipped also.
I have an aggressive African goose also. His story is sad though. He saw his mate and two other geese slaughtered by my neighbors dogs. He was injured but still alive. I paid my neighbors $25 to let me have him. I took him home and put purple medicine all over him and his wounds healed, He looked pretty funny all purple. He was very docile and we could pet him and hold him for about a month and then he became aggressive. He likes me (I am his guardian angel after all!). Ane he likes my son but every one else he chases. He bite my 2 yr old grandson and left a big welt. I am going to have to get rid of him. Does anyone have any suggestions besides dinner?
I have an aggressive African goose also. His story is sad though. He saw his mate and two other geese slaughtered by my neighbors dogs. He was injured but still alive. I paid my neighbors $25 to let me have him. I took him home and put purple medicine all over him and his wounds healed, He looked pretty funny all purple. He was very docile and we could pet him and hold him for about a month and then he became aggressive. He likes me (I am his guardian angel after all!). Ane he likes my son but every one else he chases. He bite my 2 yr old grandson and left a big welt. I am going to have to get rid of him. Does anyone have any suggestions besides dinner?
@lucylola What your dealing with isn't abnormal. But it needs to be nipped in the bud if you want to keep this gander. I am glad you brought him home and healed him up.

Young children should never be around an aggressive gander. Always take a long pole or broom with you and put it between him and who ever he feels the need to chase and that is a big problem no one should ever act afraid of geese.Especially run from one, That make them feel they are in control..

Here is an excellent thread about how to train..
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