Dear Lord, give me strength


8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
Think I'm making a run to the hatchery tomorrow to get some shavings, feed and price shop their bigger feeders and waterers for when the girls go outside. I think DH is terrified I will come home with another chick. I'm not making any promises....although I WILL try my hardest to stay strong...

I just have to keep reminding myself that my girls are getting to the point where they are about ready to go out, and that means the brooder would have to be set up for that much longer and while I enjoy having the chicks in the house I'm ready to not have the brooder set up anymore. And I probably would have to buy 3, and I just don't NEED THREE more chickens (heck, did I REALLY need 10?!). And I want to save space for some Buckeyes next year.

Wonder if I can print this post out and take it with me tomorrow
Luke13:34 :

Just strong enough to carry your bag of shavings... a bag of chick feed..

....and the box of new chicks!

Yep! Maybe they will have some Buckeyes!
Luke13:34 :

Just strong enough to carry your bag of shavings... a bag of chick feed..

....and the box of new chicks!

An impossible task for a bird person. I am the bird lover and my husband is forever bringing home birds he thinks I'll like. I can't tell you how many breeds of chickens I have-haha.
I don't breed the chickens, so I guess its ok to have such a silly flock of RIRs sitting next to turkens and cuckoo marans...ETC! It would be hilarious to hatch a few and see what came out.
There's always room for a few more..........................
Well friends, it's a miracle! I made it out of the hatchery without ANY chicks!!! They had some bantams and a variety of other chicks available, luckily no Buckeyes
I was sorely tempted to get my little Smidge (Silver Sebright) a tiny buddy to pal around with, but just kept reminding myself that I really don't want the brooder set up that much longer in my house (although I DID start to tell myself I could use a SMALLER brooder since it would only be one or three and they'd be bantams), and I DO want to get some Buckeyes next year. Phew. It was a close call. I am the Queen of Rationalization. A little voice in the back of my head kept saying "But the coop is so much bigger than you'd planned on and the yard is huge and you could use a smaller brooder..."

I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I made it out of there without chicks!! And another funny thing happened while I was there, I actually was able to tell someone a teensy bit about some chickens they were interested in!! A lady thought that the Dominique chicks were white (they're not) and wanted to know if they got as big as the Giants. It was weird to be able to answer TWO questions and describe what the Dominiques would look like!

Yes, they had Dominiques and I didn't get any. I LOVE my Dominique girls and probably will get more in the future, but I think from a breeder next time!

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