Death by stress, how common? and a health q.


9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Somewhere near Springfield, Ma
We had 27 quail destined for the freezer in about 2 weeks. We have been separating the males and females to try to limit the fighting. In the hen house we have one male, which will be staying around as a replacement roo. Tonight we noticed that the girls must have gotten in a small fight and one rosetta hen had a bloody wound though not too bad. We got her out and cleaned her up, she fought the whole thing. On the walk back to the hen house she spazzed one more time and died. She was otherwise healthy and of decent weight, not obese anything.
I'm somewhat afraid to handle these birds now cause I dont want them dead yet. None of them are tame because they aren't pets. How common is death by handling with them?

Also, during the inspection I found a pharaoh hen that has a swollen head. It's not hard, and doesn't feel puss filled. It's just the top of her head. She does have a tiny peck mark but I dont think it's infected. The skin is loose though. Is it possible she's been popcorning and hitting her head? or do you think it's something else?
The only way you can honestly tell what your quail died of would be to have a necropsy done on them. But birds can die if frightened enough. Stress can send them into shock and kill them.

But I would not be afraid to handle them if you need to. Handling should be kept to a minimum and done only when necessary. Stressed quail quite often bop their heads on the ceiling and it is possible that is what is going on with your pharaoh. Or she is being picked on by another.
Thanks twocrows. I do know at least one of them has been boinking on the top of their cage, usually after they've had a treat. I'm just so use to my breeders who eagerly meet me at their door and to some extent like to interact. These meaties were like that but 2-3 weeks of handling only during cleaning has made them timid.

Would a picture of the pharaoh be helpful at all, or does it just sound like an injury?
Here she is. She's in isolation with another friendlier hen for companionship.

The scab is located in the bald spot, there's no discoloration or oozing it's just slightly swollen and the skin is loose.

You can see the top of her head is swollen.

You can see above her eye where she's swollen.

You can kinda see the tiny scab on her head.
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That looks like an attack from another quail. If they boinked their heads, I don't think there would be a bald patch. So keep her separated for a while till she heals up a bit. Figure out who is being aggressive and separate them from the rest of the flock.

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