Death of a Flock Member


Nov 23, 2014
Headland, AL
My Buff O., Flo, is an internal layer. She will be euthanized tomorrow. My question is: should I show the other 5 chickens her dead body before I bury her? I just thought it might help them adjust quicker.
Thanks for the read. It was wonderful.. I still don't know if I should let the rest of the flock see her dead or just take her away.
Thanks for the read. It was wonderful.. I still don't know if I should let the rest of the flock see her dead or just take her away.

For me they both have pros and cons. For any that are going to culled I tend to take them away and that is it. Yes some upset within the flock but on the other hand showing them the body may cause upset too. I can't say what you should do but I hope either way the rest of your flock settles soon.

Also, thanks for your condolences.

You are most welcome, I know just how you feel :hugs

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