Decided to breed my rooster with my girls what would be a good mix


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
weatherford Texas
When I received my order from the hatchery The sent me an EE roo by accident. Before I give him away I was wondering If I breed him with a few of my hens what would make a good mix.
I have 1 RIR ,2 Leghorns ,3 americaunas, 1 barred rock,2 Minorcas, 2 Production Blacks(white Eggs) and 1 Brown Leghorn. What do you guys think would make a good egglayer. I would like to see If I could try to keep his colors in the offspring..

here is the roo

I would use him on your EE (ameracauna) hens. Or possibly over the brown leghorn. I wouldn't use any black hens, as black seems to be a very dominant color-at least in my own flock.
From a large hatchery it is highly unlikely that they are all closely related. And as someone on here said, there's no such thing as incest in the animal kingdom. It usually takes several generations of inbreeding before you have issues. I think you would be ok if you wanted to breed them.
If you breed him with a Barred Rock, you'll get sexlinked birds, meaning the boys should be barred like their moms and the girls will be just pretty! I had two EE/BR cross pullets, just gorgeous girls, now owned by rooster-red, Iris and Hazel.
Here is Hazel:

Here is Iris:
They were BR eggs, so they were beige. Iris lays a pinky egg with lavender speckles and Hazel lays a yellowy beige egg. I didn't get any males from that cross, though, but I did get males from Barred Rock hens crossed with Silver Phoenix and Cochin/Silkie cross roosters. All males were barred and females were basically solid black, some with a little gold in the hackle area.
My younger BR girls' eggs haven't been fertile yet, but I have one in the bator, just put in today, to test again. Still, I can't confirm anyone's fertility except Lexie's, even though Hawkeye mates three of the four girls fairly regularly. One just will not squat for him no matter what. I kept one of his sons, who is going on 7 weeks old now, in order to insure that all the BR eggs in the flock were fertile. Ol' Hawk just isn't that much of a stud, LOL. He's a great protector, but I see him dance, the girls squat, then he just walks away. No idea why. I wonder if he has a problem with one of his legs hurting sometimes. That would slow him down, I bet. I'll let you know how the fertility test comes out on Amanda's egg in the bator. My third BR girl, Becca's eggs are still way too small to incubate, even if they were fertile. I am also going to be hatching more BRs for my flock so they should be laying by summer. Between Hawkeye and Gabriel, surely I'll be able to have some BR hatching eggs to sell!

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