Deciding which rooster to keep


8 Years
Jul 3, 2011
I have three roosters. Scooter (silkie dominant, mildly aggressive but controlable), Tiny (silkie, wonderful personality, likes to be pampered) and Johnny (blue d'uccle, too young to really know attitude but seems gentle and likes attention) My problem is I have been fortunate enough to find a nice person in need of a rooster, but I can't decide who to part with. Scooter is the Man of the Coop, Tiny is the gentleman and Johnny is a few months old. Tiny is staying just bc he is such a gentle guy, but I am afraid if I remove Scooter he will become aggressive which he has never been and he is about a year and four months old. Any ideas or suggestions on how dynamic an effect removing a dominant roo will have on the others? I really, really like Tiny's lovable attitude and Johnny's joyful personality, but I'm afraid they may change if the boss is removed. Help!
Yes their personalities may change, but it appears that the dominant rooster already has some issues. I'd let him go and take my chance with the two that you really like.
The dominant definitely has issues and he is only 5 months older than the other silkie. You can hand feed all of my chickens except for him, he tries to get a good peck in if possible. Tiny on the other hand waits patiently beside me until I specifically give him something. He then either eats it or gives it to a hen.
Tiny may get a little more defensive of the ladys but i dont think much since he is that old and all. He sounds like an amazing roo. I dont think you need to worry to much about him.
Thank you for the suggestions! The more aggressive boy needs to go. Tiny really is a wonderful roo. He is extra special because I found him passed out in our yard last summer. We live in Louisiana and it was mid July, he was about 4 months old at the time. Apparently he ate a yellow jacket or wasp that had been around a spot of water my chickens are normally not around, but I let them out to free range that day. He was sprawled out barely breathing with a swollen craw, neck and head. I brought him in our house to cool him down and he ended up staying for about two weeks inside. So we have a bit of a special bond.

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