Decision Time! 8 Week Old Bantam Cochins & Easter Eggers & a lone BR (pic heavy)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
Northeast Missouri
Okay folks. I'm pretty sure of the genders on these guys, but would really like your feedback before I accidentally rehome all of my pullets instead of the cockerels.
So, ALL feedback & opinions are welcome!!

First up is Julius -- Black Bantam Cochin. Really have no doubt in my mind that he's a cockerel. He had a red comb and wattles at 2 weeks and they are HUGE and very red now. Shame 'cause he's an absolute sweetheart.

Next up is Karina. Although I don't think that's an appropriate name for "her." S/he's a partridge bantam Cochin. I'm thinking cockerel?

Last little bantam cochin is Sally. I think she's a pullet. Thoughts?

Next is Tinkerbell. I bought her as a day old sexed pullet (barred rock).

And now the EEs. The first two were bought straight run. Pretty sure this first guy is a cockerel. His comb is pretty red and he's got rust coloring on his wing.

Not sure on this one. Sometimes I think boy, sometimes girl. S/he is white with blue head, blue tail and a couple dark blue feathers in random spots.

And last is Rainbow who I got as a day old sexed EE pullet.

Please let me know what you all think! I think the cochin cockerels have a new home with a 4H kid. Not sure where the EE boy/s are going.
Yep. Julius is a camera hog, lol. I couldn't crop his little head out of there without taking off her legs. I love my chickens! They definitely make me laugh.

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