Decrowing Roosters.

Decrowing Roosters, Positive or Negative??

  • Positive

    Votes: 239 61.0%
  • Negative

    Votes: 153 39.0%

  • Total voters
hi there my name is misty. im in Victoria Australia. i have two beautiful birds i love to death and wish this procedure is done here. i love my boys to death. i so far have kept them here but one day i worry ill come home and the council would have taken them. i think its a great idea. i know it can seem harsh but id rather my bird live 10 years quieter the 8 months to die.

Exactly. And I can testify that the bird feels the same way!!!!
While I love hens, I feel roosters have no place in an urban setting unless they have been 'de-crowed'. Even if your neighbors try to be good sports and not complain, they will hate you every morning at 0400 and it's not right that they lose the sleep they need over your desire to have a rooster. If you want to have a rooster, you should fork over the $250 to silence him. It's a one-time cost, less than a dollar a day for the first year of peaceful sleep for the entire neighborhood.
While I love hens, I feel roosters have no place in an urban setting unless they have been 'de-crowed'. Even if your neighbors try to be good sports and not complain, they will hate you every morning at 0400 and it's not right that they lose the sleep they need over your desire to have a rooster. If you want to have a rooster, you should fork over the $250 to silence him. It's a one-time cost, less than a dollar a day for the first year of peaceful sleep for the entire neighborhood.

First of all

I wouldn't presume what someone else feels one way or another. About anything, actually.

I think de-crowing a rooster is a wonderful idea where needed. However, how can you possibly know what a neighbor thinks unless you ask them? I have several roosters, live in the city limits of a moderate sized town and work very hard to be a good neighbor. I have asked my closest neighbor to let me know if there are any issues regarding sound and he has told me on several occasions he is not and he finds the crowing charming.

So yay for Dr James, but don't prejudge all situations with a blanket assumption--that's how we get discord in teh first place!
I know of someone who has a rooster. Some of her neighbors also have roosters and no one complains even though the city where they live does not allow roosters. I wish I could have a rooster, too. Maybe later when I can afford to pay for the procedure Dr. James offers.
I work in a vet hosp small animal but hav no one to give me advise on decrowing or actually doing the procedure...I have a beautiful 8 mos old frizzled rooster that needs to be quieted you have a link to show how the procedure is done? greatly appreciated
I work in a vet hosp small animal but hav no one to give me advise on decrowing or actually doing the procedure...I have a beautiful 8 mos old frizzled rooster that needs to be quieted you have a link to show how the procedure is done? greatly appreciated

I don't have a link on how to do the procedure. I've built some specialized tools to accomplish this and increase the efficacy. You can check out the website,
and it'll have more info. Just get back with me if there are anymore questions.

Dr. James
hello dr. James I found a board certified surgeons 25 years ago DEcrowed his own rooster he's only done it once he said that he would attempt it for me if you would please give me information on what type of anesthesia to use gas or injection and how and also where I can find the anatomy of a chicken as well as any information you may have I greatly appreciate all of your information....thank you.
This is wonderful! When I thought my hen was a male I called a avian vet near by about De crowing. They said yes they do it and the procedure is 400.00$ wow! That's expensive but I was going to save for it out of the great love I have for my bird. Luckily it turned out he was a she (silkies are difficult to sex).but I think it's a fine procedure and I'm greatful it's available.

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