Decrowing Roosters.

Decrowing Roosters, Positive or Negative??

  • Positive

    Votes: 239 61.0%
  • Negative

    Votes: 153 39.0%

  • Total voters
Hello Dr. James. I am very interested in having some young cockerels decrowed once I decide which ones I plan to keep.Can you give me your contact information and the costs and what preparations I need to make before surgery (blood tests, health certificate, etc..)
Thanks, Tim
Hello Dr. James. I am very interested in having some young cockerels decrowed once I decide which ones I plan to keep.Can you give me your contact information and the costs and what preparations I need to make before surgery (blood tests, health certificate, etc..)
Thanks, Tim
@bluedogsonlyyou can click on his name and send him a private message.

Hi Tim-- You can reach Dr James by scrolling back in this thread and finding a post from Dr James. Click on his name (BlueDogsOnly) and you'll get options, choose "Send a PM" and that will give you a private message window to send to Dr James. He'll receive that.

Hope this helps.
Btw, Tim, I don't know how to help you with the problems of the hens cackling too loudly. If you're not allowed to have as many chickens as you want where you live, that's tricky to start with, much less trying to also keep roosters.

Ah-- another way to reach Dr James is to go to
I am not sure I would spend hundreds of dollars getting my roo decrowed if there was a strong chance of a city official simply walking in and removing and killing my rooster... Let alone more than one roo. I am considering it because we have noise ordinances which I have to respect, but no anti chicken laws.
Apparently I somehow magically posted something terribly misunderstood spawning multiple PMs from people telling me not to have my roo decrowed but to buy one to save money (like *** you don't even know my situation and I had a specific roo in mind for a specific purpose, but I digress).

I was referring to the guy (tim) who just posted about wanting to get multiple roos decrowed in an area where not even hens were allowed. That just seemed like a bad plan to me. I have no such restrictions so I wanna get a roo decrowed.
But if someone could just walk in and ship my $300 bird off to be killed for breaking the law I wouldnt bother with something like a decrowing or a decrowed bird. Cause then I would be out a lot of money.

Hope that clears things up so folks can stop flipping out at me. Some folks need to work on their reading comprehension.... Really now.
Yeah it's a bad plan, in theory. But my passion for recreating my lost "Alaskan Homesteader" breed outweighs my common sense. I am, however curious about something you said concerning shipping my roosters off to be killed. As I mentioned, I am from Alaska and we don't have those kind of oppressive laws, so I am surprised by it. Now you have me thinking. I believe that there is only a fine involved for the first offense and an order to remove the birds. What municipality has a "kidnap and kill" law? In these financially troubling times, I can't imagine that any city would go to such expense and trouble over a few chickens. Or maybe the law is on the books, but not enforced. I'm going to call my friend down at code enforcement and ask her what the situation is. (It's always good to have friends in high places:) Thanks for bringing that up. I'd hate to have a shoot out( metaphorically speaking) over something so avoidable. Thanks again for your posting.
Akhomesteader, many munipcipalities across country give you a fine and an order to remove them by a certain date. They come back and inspect on that day and if you haven't complied they go in with cages and take your animals and fine you again. This is not uncommon especially in cases of owning more animals than a city allows and more commonly owning a breed of dog a city doesnt allow. Since there's no way to really send chickens off to a shelter they would euthenize them.
Hey guys
I live in New Zealand in town (the property is 700square meters.... What ever that is in yards?) and really want a rooster so I can get in breeding (on a very small scale) would it be worth de crowing?
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