Deep Litter.... Maybe A Dumb Question.....?


10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
upstate, NY
Ok i've read on this and done some extensive reading/searching..... about the deep litter method inside the coop....
I think I don't understand. (believe me i'm not an idiot)
We will be in the process of 'remodeling' the inside of the coop because we want to put in a poop board.
Up until now, when they've been in the coop for any extended period of time... it's a mess and the wood chips need to be changed quite frequently.
Since it's been kind of warm they're out all the time and that's been nice for clean up....
However, during the winter I tried to do the deep litter method for warmth etc and it smelled and I wasn't happy with it. We have great ventilation so I know that wasn't the issue....
Did I do something wrong? I know with a poop board it will be much easier but I want to make sure i'm doing it right.
Can someone let me know what they do for 'maintenance' while using this method. I've read you only have to change it like twice a year.

Thanks and sorry for the 'dumb' question.
Did you turn the litter?

I use mostly straw, sometimes lawn clippings. When it gets nasty on top, I turn it with my scoop shovel. The chickens go nuts thinking they have a "new playground". I don't change the litter all winter, just add more straw under the roosts and keep turning it.
I did turn it. maybe not enough? I'm hoping with the poop board will help.
How many inches is considered 'deep litter'? just keep adding?
I use the deep litter to and I did have a problem with amonia smell so I added the poop borards and it helped a great deal with the smell,also added bigger vents for ventilation.Through scratch in there in the winter and the chickens will turn it over for you they do a much better job.I also added straw and hay in the winter for them to scratch in and it mixed with the shavings and helped plus gave them something to do on those boring days when the would not go out.
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There are never any dumb questions just really intersting ones and your's is not one of those....

Ok what you did wrong in the winter was you didn't use D.E. to keep it dried up and the smell down also did you turn the shavings every couple of days and add new shavings every week or so with D.E. being mixed into it?
The D.E. will help dry up the wettness so there would be less to no smell. The true way to do deep litter is you start out with a few inches then go from there until spring then you take it all out and and place it in a compost pile or mix it into your garden soil which when it compost it makes a great green compost very rich in nitro which plants need.

I hope this helps some Good Luck to you.
ALL the information is helpful. I did not get any DE, I'm unsure of anywhere locally to purchase it. I know I need to though. I will be looking for it though!
I'm glad the poop boards help. I figured they would.
If I have wood chips and straw in the coop and put them outside in a compost container.... how long before I can put it in the garden?
I've been wanting to use the droppings etc for compost. But (not that this question belongs in this topic) but I also don't really know how to start the compost.
thanks to everyone
The poop will compost fast- one of the other great things about a droppings board. I spread some on the garden in the fall and till in the spring. The chips take a little longer than forever! So, it is nice to have them separate. I use the chips between my blueberry bushes. If you would like to learn about composting come on over to TEG forum. There are a lot of posts on the subject and some real experts!

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