Deep litter method

Keep in mind that virtually all compost is a trade off/mixture of carbon based items against nitrate based (poop) items. Wood chips being solid carbon take longer to break down unless you have a LOT of fowl (foul?) waste mixing with it. You also need some moisture... adding grass (clippings) gives it that. adding in dirt and dead leaves helps the little microbes and stuff develop that devour the waste and carbon to make perfect soil for you after a time :) Were I you, I'd hold off on the PDZ for a bit until you're absolutely sure that you need it... My litter is in raised coops on plywood floor coated with Blackjack #57 (roofing rubberized "tar") to completely seal it and there is NO smell in my coops. As Blooie said, I use grass clippings, weeds, just about anything mixed with the pine chips and dirt.
Does anyone have experience using pine pellets (horse bedding) rather than shavings?  

I've used them outside the coop to combat weeds and muck. I was thinking of using them inside the coop but I was worried the chicks would eat the pellets. It also seems they tend to hold moisture more. Now that might be because they are in our walking path to the veggie garden and are compressed?
I use the deep litter method as well but find I need to clean twice a year. Besides the litter, the amount of dust the girls produce from their feathers makes entering the coop a harrowing experience for me. I never have any problems with smells, but how do you handle all the dust?
I use the deep litter method as well but find I need to clean twice a year. Besides the litter, the amount of dust the girls produce from their feathers makes entering the coop a harrowing experience for me. I never have any problems with smells, but how do you handle all the dust? 

When mine gets dusty during the summer I just wet the DL down with the garden hose. The moisture helps it get "working" again as well.
Thanks so much for the mental nitrogen-carbon cycle, it does help me to understand the goal. Could you clarify: what is PDZ?

This is what I use...I get it from Tractor Supply but I'm sure other outlets have it as well. I use it on the poop deck under the roosts. Sweet PDZ is a great ammonia neutralizer and absorbent. I prefer the granules but I know that there is a powder form available as well. I believe it is volcanic in origin but someone smarter than I am can clarify that.
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Hi everyone :)

I am using sand right now in a 4x8 wood coop with a wood floor painted with deck paint. Sand is CLEAN but too much work for me. I am thinking about switching to deep liter, but wonder...

I have about 5 inches at most for the depth. And the floor is wood. Will this work okay with my coop you think? Anyone that does this over a wood floor have any tips or advice? From what I am reading, it seems that dirt floors are ideal?

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