Deep litter method

Yeah, some of my birds live in RV trailers that were here when we bought the place. There was something of a barn (which is being repaired right now) and two big RVs back there. They work fine!
Um, no, that trailer is where I live!
LOL! Sorry. I thought you were saying they lived in the single wide.

Wasn't sure what to think since you had just showed me the hoop coop. So, you think your hoop coop is better than your single wide?
Most days? Yep! But it's home, it's paid for, and it's working fine for two people who aren't home much to start with! Teehee
You just keep improving the coop. I like the little white thingys around it.
Aw, thank you. I assume you're talking about the white lattice around it. We did that soon after we finished the run. Living in town, (and being on the town council) kinda encouraged us to make sure that it wasn't an eyesore from the street. The plan for spring is to hang little baskets of nastursiums (and I KNOW I spelled that wrong) on the lattice to soften the look and give the girls something to nibble on.
Has anyone tryed rice husks as litter? I'm close to a rice mill and the husks are free for the taking. We bring in truck loads and use it as mulch for weed supression, especially in the pineapple fields. Great mulch in that one it is free but more important as it breaks down and is finally plowed back into the field it helps the soil more than other kinds of mulch. Was going to try it as litter, for the same reasons, free, plus better for the soil, in that all litter and animal waste ends up in fallow fields and is plowed in next time we prep the field. Will do a small experiment this year to see. I guess if there is a hang up it will be that the chickens and ducks mistake it as feed and the husks have no nutrional value to them. Is anyone or has anyone used rice husk as litter?
Has anyone tryed rice husks as litter? I'm close to a rice mill and the husks are free for the taking. We bring in truck loads and use it as mulch for weed supression, especially in the pineapple fields. Great mulch in that one it is free but more important as it breaks down and is finally plowed back into the field it helps the soil more than other kinds of mulch. Was going to try it as litter, for the same reasons, free, plus better for the soil, in that all litter and animal waste ends up in fallow fields and is plowed in next time we prep the field. Will do a small experiment this year to see. I guess if there is a hang up it will be that the chickens and ducks mistake it as feed and the husks have no nutrional value to them. Is anyone or has anyone used rice husk as litter?

If you do a search, you'll see that there a bunch of people using rice husks and loving them as bedding. In fact, there was just a discussion about this on the Post Your Coop thread:

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