Deep wounds, crop wont empty, now not eating or drinking. NOT DOING WELL!

Is it leaking pus or anything? Is she on a oral antibiotic?
And hay the vet missed it too don't beat yourself up patients that can't tell you where it hurts are hard to treat and things are easy to miss.
Yeah I think the med is called ditrim or something ?

I don't see pus but it looks infected and some of the areas look yellow but are hard like a scab. I cleaned some feathers out of it and here is a pic. Gooey cuz of neosporin.

It's hard to say because I'm not there... That sure looks like an infection but could also just be thickened blood plasma.... Does it smell strong? You know short of sweet and bad...
Either way all you can do is clean it. Sorry I think I asked already she's on pain meds too right?
It's hard to say because I'm not there... That sure looks like an infection but could also just be thickened blood plasma.... Does it smell strong? You know short of sweet and bad...
Either way all you can do is clean it. Sorry I think I asked already she's on pain meds too right?

Well I really am grateful just to hear anything at all at this point. I definitely think it is infected just because the skin around it is red :( But unsure about the pus as well. Its just pretty hard and i kinda move the q-tip around and inside and didnt find any. I dont know if I want to lance it as its underneath her vent. Thats the hardest part!

I didnt notice a smell, and I normally am sensitive to smells. But like I said, its close to her butt so it might be hard to judge

And yup, I have her on metacam every 12 hours. Was suppose to be for 7 days which was yesterday. I still have some left to help for awhile I think. Its spendy so I shouldnt get more.
The other ones look awesome! Pretty dried up for the most part and no signs of infection at all. She still picks at them but I dont think she is doing any damage. I just want her to eat because she is AWFULLL with tube feeding. She fights it the whole time thrashing around, I tried everything and she will just not calm down. I feel so bad and Im afraid I will hurt her crop but I NEED to get food and water into her!
"What she does eat.... doesnt empty the next morning. It just stays in her crop"
Don't know how to post quotes, sorry. But I have to say I personally would have put the chick down before I would have spent money on a vet, because of its wounds, but that is just me. If it helps, if your chick pulls through, I did something I never would have, recently dealing with a crop bound chick, hen. It was one of my only three easter eggers and I didn't want to lose any of them. I thought she was just growing faster than the others, she was getting big. Then I noticed she was waddling, her crop was what was big. When I picked her up she puked, gross stuff. I researched it and figured she was crop bound, did what they said online. Held her upside down and massaged and lightly squeezed every bit of PUKE out of her. Grass, hay and yuck. I thought she died once, even though I tried to give her plenty of air at one point she had a wad of solid coming out, I tried to lightly pull on it, she did the death flop, my wife said she was dead, I continued and eventually got it out. Gave her chicken cpr, and she came back, AMAZING! I didn't know if she would be OK, her crop was still stretched out. But a month later she looks and acts like any of my other chicks! Crop looks normal also. I don't know if this might be something that could be wrong with yours but thought I would let you know just in case. Good luck.
Don't know what to say, you seem to be getting excellent advice, and you are following it but
maybe we are missing something about her problem.

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