Deformed egg shell at tip

There is an explanation of how eggs are formed and what can go wrong with them in the article linked above. Sometimes stress or disease is the cause of these mishaps, sometimes it's glitch in the hen's system, for example double eggs, where an egg get completed and instead of continuing on it's journey and gets laid, it reverses and gets incased in another egg.

The egg you pictured above is what we call a water balloon and are often shell-less. One of my hens laid one shortly after getting a big fright, so the cause for that was obviously stress.

The second attempt at an egg appears to have gone wrong at the step where the membrane encases the yolk and gets filled with albumen. Unfortunately why this happened I can't tell you for sure. It could be stress, it could be a glitch in her system. The membrane stayed behind when the rest of the contents passed. Thankfully it seems the formation of the next egg pushed the membrane out, though it skipped the shell formation stage.

Production orientated breeds sometimes do have egg laying issues as they grow older, but your hen may simply have had a mishap.

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