deformed hatchlings

Don't see it as cruel at all. There is no good reasfor keeping a deformed chick alive, especially one whose entrails have formed outside the body as in the example given. The quickest, and therefore most humane, way of dispatching a chicken is to seperate it from it's head.
I had to cull one out of this last order. It never ate or drank without being physically forced to then I realized that half its body was droopy and didn't have pain response. So I had to just put it out of its misery and to do it quickly and quietly behind hubbies back. I broke its neck by twisting it with using my nails to go between its vertebra right bellow its skull, a sharp twist... and that was it. It was fast. The chick didn't seem to struggle or anything and frankly... making it quick was probably better than it slowly wasting away the way it was. I will never get used to that concept, killing. But I guess there are times where you just have to. But I have to hide it from my hubby. He would be ****** if he knew I culled it... Hes too much of a softy. :(
thanks for all your replies. i'm hoping i won't have to do this but you never know. i never had to when i was young but my dad might have with out me knowing. Thanks to all i'm new here and i can see i'm going to feel at home. Thanks again.

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