Dekalb Amber links


10 Years
Dec 1, 2009
Any one on here ever raise Dekalb Amber link chickens? If so what is your opion of them and how well do they lay? I had Indian rivers from Cackle Hatchery and really liked them allot. I have also had buff Orphingotns and Red Sex links and was not to thrilled with them. Please let me know what you think of these chickens.
We have 5 of them....had 6 but roo had to move.

They are great layers...they lay everyday..almost never miss a day at all.
They seem friendly to me, though one is a loner and doesn't liked to be picked up.
Only one person has any experience with these birds? I have read they are the cat daddy for free range egg production?
I guess to get a response you need to ask things like "My one chicken is getting pecked on" Thats called a "Pecking order" or my chickens like Macaroni and cheese! LOL No real serious chicken talk. LOL
As you probably already know, they are simply the reverse of the RSL, so laying should be excellent and personality and other traits should be virtually the same.
Usually, the hybrid is Red roo over White (silver) hen, producing reddish pullets and whitish males. The amber link is White Roo over Red hen which produces mostly whitish pullets. I think I have that right. Since not as many people sell this cross, there isn't likely as much experience in the BYC community.

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