Delaware Rooster?


Jul 11, 2016

Hello all,

Total newbie with the chicken thing here and have learned a ton from this site. We have two Rhode Island Reds and two Delawares but think maybe one of the Delawares may be a rooster? They are only 9 weeks old but one does looks a fair bit different from the other. Can any of you seasoned pro's tell by the picture or will I need to wait to see if she starts crowing? Any help would be great and thanks to all for the wealth of information on this site!
With large red comb and wattles at that age, I'm thinking cockerel. He's lovely!

at 8 weeks... I'd have to say its a cockerel. There is a very experienced Delaware breeder on here who could confirm easily, can't remember their name at the moment. Hope they pick this thread up.
Yes, it's a cockerel. I bred Delawares for about 9 years-you can see from my avatar, I guess. Aside from the comb, all that "smut" down the back from the hackles, which will clear out as he matures, is a male trait in this breed, generally.
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