Deleware - Roo or Not?

H Diamond

5 Years
Jan 26, 2014
Hi, these guys are 8 weeks old, (hatched 2/7/14) and were sold as sexed pullets from McMurray's. This one has a red comb and wattles and the other two do not. It is not the biggest of the three, but only one with red comb, etc. Anyone want to play guess the gender with me? P.S. sorry for the less than stellar phone pics!

In this pic, "it" is the one on the right side, there is one of the other Deleware's in the back of the pic.

Sorry, no leg pics, just a body shot.
I kind of figured he was. It's really not a big deal as I was needing another rooster anyways.
Just eggs... I have a mixed flock of 8 week olds right now. These are my first. I'm going to be free ranging, and wanted a couple roosters to keep with the girls.
I am not convinced that is a rooster. My husband and I have a flock of Deleware hens and they look just like that :/

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