Delighted to be here!


Dec 30, 2023
I am a new poultry and fowl owner. I have 12 chickens, a rooster, 4 Muscovy ducks, and 2 pilgrim geese. We also have 3 cats and a puppy. We moved from the city to our farm about a year and a half ago. This is our first winter with chickens, ducks and geese.
We’ve been learning by trial and a lot of errors.
I have some questions but really hoping to learn more.
I am a new poultry and fowl owner. I have 12 chickens, a rooster, 4 Muscovy ducks, and 2 pilgrim geese. We also have 3 cats and a puppy. We moved from the city to our farm about a year and a half ago. This is our first winter with chickens, ducks and geese.
We’ve been learning by trial and a lot of errors.
I have some questions but really hoping to learn more.
Hello there! because I know you. I'm tickled to see you on here! We really need help lol

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