Denagard confusion please

Hello again !! one was sneezing last week and die. it was not young. I am doing a preventative treatment. dog killed 2. no one else is sneezing , shaking head, no discharges that I can see. Killing rats. I made one of those no waste feeders with large PVC angles in a big bin. . It isnt entirely no waste. I am also feeding a mixture of turkey feed/28%protein and layer 16%protein. I did not keep them on grower long enough and as a consequence I think they are smaller than they should be and so are their eggs. I just forgot how Id fed them in the past. too late now. on to the next batch. from a differnet hatchery. buff orphingtons and americaunas in May.
I cut back on free ranging with this mystery dog around. only when I am out and late eve.
Thanks for asking. Dorothy
[COLOR=333333]Hello again !! one was sneezing last week and die. it was not young. I am doing a preventative treatment. dog killed 2.  no one else is sneezing , shaking head, no discharges that I can see. Killing rats. I made one of those no waste feeders with large PVC angles in a big bin. . It isnt entirely no waste. I am also feeding a mixture of turkey feed/28%protein and layer 16%protein. I did not keep them on grower long enough and as a consequence I think they are smaller than they should be and so are their eggs. I just forgot how Id fed them in the past. too late now. on to the next batch. from a differnet hatchery. buff [COLOR=660099]orphingtons[/COLOR] and americaunas in May.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]I cut back on free ranging with this mystery dog around. only when I am out and late eve.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]Thanks for asking. Dorothy[/COLOR]
Sorry about your losses, I know how sad that is. :hugs what hatchery will you be usng this year?
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Mt Healthy Hatcheries. I ordered my older orpingtons from them about 12 years ago. Could have been the feed, but they were big big birds.
Mt Healthy Hatcheries. I ordered my older orpingtons from them about 12 years ago. Could have been the feed, but they were big big birds.

Orpingtons are one of my favorites... What colors will you be getting? BTW, congrats on your 8 year badge. :D
Im getting buffs, I would love to get lavenders, but they are usually too expensive, I love the blue eggs from the americaunas. my new barn layout is working, esp the stall mats on the floor. still need one more. very easy to clean. love it.
Im getting buffs, I would love to get lavenders, but they are usually too expensive, I love the blue eggs from the americaunas. my new barn layout is working, esp the stall mats on the floor. still need one more. very easy to clean. love it.

Buffs are what I had, and I lived them. Also enjoy the colored eggs. Someone on another thread posted a picture of a purple egg, but I don't know if that was a joke or not, lol.

Stall mats are great, they're what I use in my peafowl grow out pens. :D
Hi jumping on this thread to see how your outcome was?
I just got confirmation via necropsy of MG in my flock. (The suspected carry came from a mail order hatchery) . I have had three losses so far (all adult Japanes bantams) and just got my Denagard in .
btw, this started with the birds from one breeder. I know they could have had it, picked it up from wild birds, but I am suspicious.

Just a heads up that if you let your birds free-range, they likely got it from wild birds. I think I read somewhere that literally every bird on the planet has been exposed to it.

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