Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I did make them but I see they are not showing up! Hmm... I will investigate!

Fud lady is investigating


Every time I read "Fud lady" I giggle...
I have a couple of hatchery quality Faverolles myself, though not brown all over like your lovely Derp! My Flower does have a lovely black beard though..... Petal lays a small pinkish cream colored egg and Flower lays a slightly darker tannish pinky egg. They're both actually very regular layers, some of our best, and they started laying not long after our RSLs. They squat, love to be petted, follow us around the yard and sound like Seagulls when they lay an egg. They will SING and SING and SING for an hour plus every time one of them lays an egg and if one lays then the other one must help her sing. Flower is pretty smart for a chicken, but Petal is a little well... a little bit like your Derp actually. She gets lost sometimes in the yard and can't find her way home. She also seems to exist outside the pecking order as if the other hens just feel too bad to peck her.

Love the Derp stories, very sweet.

I love the Faverolles! I just wish they weren't such pushovers with my other hens...
Coho started laying yesterday and I was surprised to find that her egg is a large, dark brown (not DARK like wellies or a marans). It's slightly darker than my red sex link which was my darkest egg till now.

My faverolle used to lay cream coloured eggs
Urgh where are the photo Derp t-shirts??? I keep checking and none show up. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I am truly addicted to Derp and am fading fast fud lady!!Throw me a life line

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