Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Baron does have a handsome father, though for me I would worry more about if their was any human or hen aggression shown in the family line, than looks. I would take a friendly non aggressive ugly rooster than a mean handsome one any day of the week.
Nambroth, I am sure once quartine is over and your hens have spotted the newcomers that you will be getting a lot stinkeye from them :)

Yes, that is specifically why I wanted a rooster from this line...
Oh, my, gosh, that is amazing!
Just one tiny question:
Why is there no food involved?
Loved the new painting of Kua, Nambroth, great idea and fun way of making a pun. I was wondering I know the babies are still in quarantine, but maybe your hens have spotted them from a distance and was wondering if you have gotten any stinkeye from them about the babies wondering in the yard, or fussing from the hens ?

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