Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

oooooo Derppppp and family, are you all ok???

Yes, how are you all - is it snowy and cold in Derpland at the moment?

Four of my girls encountered snow for the first time this morning - only a light dusting, but their reaction was hilarious. Mabel stuck her head out of the main door, looked around at all the white stuff, then looked up at me as if to say "What on earth did you do in the garden last night?" She stepped outside, stood there for about 3 seconds, turned around, and came straight back in again, shouting her head off at me - "I don't know what you did, but I don't like it - you'd better clean it up quickly so that I can go outside"!
She really was quite put out by it all!

Everyone except Igor (who's an old hand at this snow stuff) stayed inside the coop for over an hour this morning before gradually venturing outside. They HATE being in the coop - they go outside no matter what, even in rain or freezing weather, but snow made them think twice, and it wasn't even deep enough to measure! I dread to think what would happen if we got a real snowstorm

How did Derp first react to snow? Did she even notice that something had changed, or did she just carry on as normal? (When I say 'normal' you understand that I mean 'normal from a Derp point of view'!
oooooo Derppppp and family, are you all ok???

No, sadly we aren't... dear, sweet Lady Coho passed away yesterday.

How did Derp first react to snow? Did she even notice that something had changed, or did she just carry on as normal? (When I say 'normal' you understand that I mean 'normal from a Derp point of view'!

Derp and the rest of the flock hate the snow. They blame me personally for it and won't go out into it at all, except Willow, who will sometimes walk around in the slow if it's not more than an inch or two.
Oh, not sweet Coho! :hugs I'm so sorry for your loss! Do you know what happened? :(

My girls seem to blame me for the snow as well. I try to tell them I don't want it any more than they do, but to no avail. :idunno
No, sadly we aren't... dear, sweet Lady Coho passed away yesterday.

Oh Nambroth I am so sorry for you. No-one tells you about this part of keeping chickens - you never realise how attached you will get to them, and how much losing one of them will affect you.

At least you know that Coho had the best possible life a chicken could ever wish for - if I come back as a chicken in the next life I want to be in Derp and Nambroth's flock!

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