Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Oh my god this sounds like my Rooster Chicken-Butt, I love it. I always suspected he suffered from brain damage, now I'm sure of it! That's okay he's my baby.
Sorry All... I might not be Food lady with a derpdate, but between classes last week (I have a class ending at 10, and then have to wait until 2 for my next, didn't really have homework that day, either.) but anyway, I did some derp fanart. My art may be not as good as Nambroths, but I tried. I will have to translate my writing however... Its' sort of a little comic..

At the top left we have chickadee taking a big breath of air, "Aah. Finally Spring!!" Next is Chickadee again looking at a dandelion "Well Hello, little flower, don't mind if I do!" . Middle section on the left is Chickadee with a dandelion hanging from her beak, "*Crunch crunch crunch* I just LOVE Dandelions!" (and no she doesn't have some of tumor on her chest, I tried to make her look like she has an already filling crop. Lol) . Derp is off to the right, by Grill. "Oh Hai GRILL!!". A powder blue butterfly is fluttering past derp. Below this we have the butterfly advancing from right to left.. "La la la." "La la la". "music notes". "Hmm, look, a chicken." the butterfly says. "Hi Chickadee!!" Chickadee is on the left, "Ooh look!! First butterfly of the season!" dropping down again we have Derperella "Hai chair, I miss you too!" (Complete with little red hearts!!
) Chickadee meanwhile is showing interest in jumping at the butterly, while shouting "Butterfly!" The butterfly realizes what's going on.. "Oh CRAP!" Next scene to the right you can bet you know what happens. Chickadee has the butterfly in her beak. "Butterfly!" Buttterfly responds "NOOO!" Dropping down to the bottom, chickadee is swallowing with a *Gulp* and "Butterfly gone!"

xD I know it's very cartoony and silly, but I was bored, and It's Derp Fanart. The Fluffy Butts, Guest starring Derp and Chickadee. I think i might in the future do more Fluffy Butts comics, maybe on occasion including derp..
Sorry All... I might not be Food lady with a derpdate, but between classes last week (I have a class ending at 10, and then have to wait until 2 for my next, didn't really have homework that day, either.) but anyway, I did some derp fanart. My art may be not as good as Nambroths, but I tried. I will have to translate my writing however... Its' sort of a little comic.. At the top left we have chickadee taking a big breath of air, "Aah. Finally Spring!!" Next is Chickadee again looking at a dandelion "Well Hello, little flower, don't mind if I do!" . Middle section on the left is Chickadee with a dandelion hanging from her beak, "*Crunch crunch crunch* I just LOVE Dandelions!" (and no she doesn't have some of tumor on her chest, I tried to make her look like she has an already filling crop. Lol) . Derp is off to the right, by Grill. "Oh Hai GRILL!!". A powder blue butterfly is fluttering past derp. Below this we have the butterfly advancing from right to left.. "La la la." "La la la". "music notes". "Hmm, look, a chicken." the butterfly says. "Hi Chickadee!!" Chickadee is on the left, "Ooh look!! First butterfly of the season!" dropping down again we have Derperella "Hai chair, I miss you too!" (Complete with little red hearts!! :love ) Chickadee meanwhile is showing interest in jumping at the butterly, while shouting "Butterfly!" The butterfly realizes what's going on.. "Oh CRAP!" Next scene to the right you can bet you know what happens. Chickadee has the butterfly in her beak. "Butterfly!" Buttterfly responds "NOOO!" Dropping down to the bottom, chickadee is swallowing with a *Gulp* and "Butterfly gone!" xD I know it's very cartoony and silly, but I was bored, and It's Derp Fanart. The Fluffy Butts, Guest starring Derp and Chickadee. I think i might in the future do more Fluffy Butts comics, maybe on occasion including derp..
What a WONDERFUL way to "kill time" I love it! :love :cd
Sorry All... I might not be Food lady with a derpdate, but between classes last week (I have a class ending at 10, and then have to wait until 2 for my next, didn't really have homework that day, either.) but anyway, I did some derp fanart. My art may be not as good as Nambroths, but I tried. I will have to translate my writing however... Its' sort of a little comic..

At the top left we have chickadee taking a big breath of air, "Aah. Finally Spring!!" Next is Chickadee again looking at a dandelion "Well Hello, little flower, don't mind if I do!" . Middle section on the left is Chickadee with a dandelion hanging from her beak, "*Crunch crunch crunch* I just LOVE Dandelions!" (and no she doesn't have some of tumor on her chest, I tried to make her look like she has an already filling crop. Lol) . Derp is off to the right, by Grill. "Oh Hai GRILL!!". A powder blue butterfly is fluttering past derp. Below this we have the butterfly advancing from right to left.. "La la la." "La la la". "music notes". "Hmm, look, a chicken." the butterfly says. "Hi Chickadee!!" Chickadee is on the left, "Ooh look!! First butterfly of the season!" dropping down again we have Derperella "Hai chair, I miss you too!" (Complete with little red hearts!!
) Chickadee meanwhile is showing interest in jumping at the butterly, while shouting "Butterfly!" The butterfly realizes what's going on.. "Oh CRAP!" Next scene to the right you can bet you know what happens. Chickadee has the butterfly in her beak. "Butterfly!" Buttterfly responds "NOOO!" Dropping down to the bottom, chickadee is swallowing with a *Gulp* and "Butterfly gone!"

xD I know it's very cartoony and silly, but I was bored, and It's Derp Fanart. The Fluffy Butts, Guest starring Derp and Chickadee. I think i might in the future do more Fluffy Butts comics, maybe on occasion including derp..
That was fun. It made me smile!
@TommyDaDelaware , as a teacher I am obliged to deplore your waste of time that could have been used for useful study and self improvement

However, as a Derp fan -
that's excellent!

As a student, I always learned best when I was sketching or doodling. Teachers would scold me and it was most harmful to my self esteem. I was paying attention, and doodling helped me retain memory better. When I looked back at the doodles, I could recall the entire lesson in great clarity; whereas if I was told to stop I often had trouble remembering.
I always preformed best in my classes where my teachers didn't mind or didn't notice my doodling! I always did poorly in my math classes, where nearly every year I got a teacher that was strictly against my drawing. The mind makes amazing and interesting connections when one is drawing, and studies are starting to support what I have always known. :)
If I had been reprimanded in my 'free time' to stop drawing and that it was a waste of time, I'd never be here today, doing artwork, or sharing Derp stories! Creatively distracted and inventive students are often the most successful in life. I know you were just being silly, but I wanted to mention this! Especially with the push of so much structured 'teaching for tests' that we experience lately here in the States. Okay, rant over!!
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A good rant, Nambroth, and I actually totally agree with you. As you noticed, the first part of my comment was indeed tongue in cheek

Although I now teach English in France, my original training was as a special needs teacher in the UK. I absolutely loved it, and I learned a huge amount about different memory patterns and learning methods, and that differentiating lessons was essential to allow all students to learn in their own way. I know that some of my colleagues here in France think that I am a bit lax with discipline in my classes - certain students will doodle, take only very basic notes on a complex subject, discuss between themselves when they should be listening or working on their own, or read another document entirely and I tend to tolerate this to a large extent. It is because I know that each of these students is learning the lesson in their own way. Stopping them doing this would simply stop them learning what they need to know.

I think my love of special needs teaching is one of the reasons that I love Derp so much - the world's most adorable special needs chicken!
Sorry All... I might not be Food lady with a derpdate, but between classes last week (I have a class ending at 10, and then have to wait until 2 for my next, didn't really have homework that day, either.) but anyway, I did some derp fanart. My art may be not as good as Nambroths, but I tried. I will have to translate my writing however... Its' sort of a little comic..
That is the cutest doodle art!!! You should frame it! What a great use of your time, A+
That is the cutest doodle art!!! You should frame it! What a great use of your time, A+

As a student, I always learned best when I was sketching or doodling. Teachers would scold me and it was most harmful to my self esteem. I was paying attention, and doodling helped me retain memory better. When I looked back at the doodles, I could recall the entire lesson in great clarity; whereas if I was told to stop I often had trouble remembering.
I always preformed best in my classes where my teachers didn't mind or didn't notice my doodling! I always did poorly in my math classes, where nearly every year I got a teacher that was strictly against my drawing. The mind makes amazing and interesting connections when one is drawing, and studies are starting to support what I have always known. :)
If I had been reprimanded in my 'free time' to stop drawing and that it was a waste of time, I'd never be here today, doing artwork, or sharing Derp stories! Creatively distracted and inventive students are often the most successful in life. I know you were just being silly, but I wanted to mention this! Especially with the push of so much structured 'teaching for tests' that we experience lately here in the States. Okay, rant over!!

@TommyDaDelaware , as a teacher I am obliged to deplore your waste of time that could have been used for useful study and self improvement

However, as a Derp fan -
that's excellent!

That was fun. It made me smile!

What a WONDERFUL way to "kill time" I love it!

Hey, thanks guys! :) Usually I stick to drawing flowers or trees or wildlife of some sort, but that day I just decided on chickens, especially after hearing how Chickadee had picked all the paint off of the interior of the coop. Lol. I figured they'd be hoping for the first butterfly of spring already!
Hey, thanks guys! :) Usually I stick to drawing flowers or trees or wildlife of some sort, but that day I just decided on chickens, especially after hearing how Chickadee had picked all the paint off of the interior of the coop. Lol. I figured they'd be hoping for the first butterfly of spring already!

It was a great decision to have a go at drawing chickens instead - don't stop doing it! It's wonderful to see someone with such imagination putting it down on paper - I am in absolutely no way artistic, and am totally jealous of anyone who can draw! (Plus if Derp and co. are involved it is automatically going to be amusing!)

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