Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Nambroth, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Derp and her family!!! I just came back from the APA/ABA poultry Nationals in Stockton CA and one of the first things I did was go to see where the faverolles were. SO many pretties LF and bantams but no Derp.... :( [but of course I knew I would not see one] ...
More stories about Derp please..... :fl :bow :pop
Definitely people come here, they just get dismayed when there is nothing new to read about Derp. Derp followers have been trying hard to keep the this alive but, people want YOUR stories and news NOT ours.

Fud Lady don't forsake us. We are keeping the faith.
I check in MANY, as in every couple of hours or so, because BYC has not been alerting me to new posts - for many, months. My subscription is set for immediate notification. Yah fat chance. I wonder if other members are getting alerted because I sure am not.

You DO notice, I'm sure, what happens when you do post new photos or stories. We're been trying not to bother you because you are so busy .
I just found Derp tonight and want to know where you sign up for the Derp Club! The Peep now has roost-time stories. I heartily agree with the person from a Squillion posts ago that you should put this into a book - really truly seriously.

Oh I hope BYC will not be Derprived!

S oft Boiled - you don't have to sign in or register to be a member of the Derp club. It's open to anyone who enjoys Derp. If you want to flaunt your loyalty you can copy the line I have in my signature

"Member of the Derpella club." "We're all just goin' 'round the rooster here." That's an expression Derp used in one photo, where she is showing respect to the Rooster, and maybe a bit of fear.

If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you go back and read from the start. Derp and her friends, Chickadee, Moa, Lorp, Trousers etc. are to be savored.

PS love your remark re "Derprived."
I love this thread, and this is one of the few I keep an eye on. The other is any updates with Bird and any stories of Gimpy the naked chicken out of the Israel. Unfortunately Gimpy has passed away. If live is too busy, I will be quite happy with monthly updates whatever works within your Real Life schedule. Though I am curious have you thought of this summer since you have a very nice Cochin rooster in Trousers of hatching a few of his babies, maybe with your barred rocks, espically if Derp or Coho or your Easter Egge as foster mothers, goes broody for the first time ? I really like barred cochins, and I am sure Trousers can make some very nice babies. Maybe this summer Derp will actually be interested in real chicks instead of the imaginary ones. And she will look after the chicks instead of ignoring them like last year.
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I lurk over every day to see if there is a Derp and / or friends update. Nambroth, your posts here always make my day. I even go back and read old posts sometimes when I need a pick-me-up!

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