Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

A lot of that is personality type. My older Easter-egger, Cubby, lets others eat her beard off, too, but none of the other EEs seem to allow it to happen.

Not to point any fingers, but the ones that usually pluck Cubby's beard are the red sexlinks and production reds in my flock. I suspect because they produce so many more eggs than the others, they're trying to get more protein in their diets. Cub just stands there staring into space and lets it happen.

Kua was inside for a week and Derp lost more and more beard. It's quite a mystery!!
It can't be Chickadee, as Derp RUNS!!! from Chickadee.

Maybe Derp has a split personality - who could be mean to Coho?

I know! Sadly, everyone pushes Coho around, except Chickadee. Chickadee and Coho are best of friends! Derperella is especially mean to Coho for whatever reason. It's strange. Coho's never been mean to Derp. They used to be cuddly sisters.
I think Derp gets along with Trousers. Wonder if her personality started changing after her phantom pregnancy. She really did flake out then.
I have three Barred rocks and I can always tell Abigale from Milly and Milly from Petticoat but somehow nobody else picks up their special traits. Fud Lady, do you still help Mr. Trousers down from his roost in the morning or has he doped it out yet?

No lice or mites on any of my birds. They all let me handle them and I check regularly. I have pet parrots and so I am overly cautious about mites and lice. Paranoid, one might say.

Another benefit to growing up with parrots is that when I built the coop and run, I designed them to be as safe as possible... nothing for her to catch her beard on, or anything else. Birds find amazing ways to injure themselves, and I tried to make sure that I gave them as few opportunities as possible!

Trousers can get up and down off of the roost without problems now, but he will still wait for me if I don't come out too late in the morning. I think he likes to be picked up! If he gets hungry or thirsty, though, he will get down on his own.
Someone keeps eating Derperella's beard and muffs off. I have no idea who, as I never catch anyone doing it and I observe the chickens pretty often. The weird thing is that Derp does not really like any of the other chickens near her-- if they get close she will walk or run off. So I cannot imagine her tolerating anyone plucking her beard!

I used to think it was Coho, because Coho and Derp used to cuddle a lot and if anyone had a chance to pluck her, it would have been Coho. But, no-- Right now, for whatever reason, Derp hates sweet Coho and will drive her away with violent pecks! Coho won't get anywhere near Derp, not to mention near her wicked beak.

Whoever is eating Derp's beard is not interested in Coho's or Willow's beards.

You know, this is happening to one of my Faverolles too. And she's too sassy and French to put up with those other plebian hens defacing her lovely beard.

Hrm... maybe it's like middle-aged balding for chickens or something, lol.

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