Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Hello, everyone!

It's been hard to write a full-blown post, since I cannot look at my photos or talk about my chickens without thinking of poor Trousers. It's been nearly a month since he passed away. Time almost seems to have been distorted since then.. life goes on, but it's weird, for a while.

After Trousers was gone, things shifted in the flock, as one might expect.

Moa the Big Stink is still the top hen, and she has once again stepped up to be the rooster-hen in place of no rooster present. Her comb is enormous and red, and she has a wide, matronly feel about her. She is not as good a peacekeeper as gentle and patient Trousers was, though.

Lorp, the Evil Queen Maleficent, has stepped up her evil and has targeted Willow. She snips feathers off of Willow any time she gets a chance in a most aggressive manner. The Fud lady warned Lorp before that if she was overly aggressive, she would give her away. Now, that option is gone, because of Marek's. So Lorp was put though a great embarrassment of having Pinless Peepers attached to her nose once again. She lets everyone around know of her immense distaste for such offensive objects, and so the Fud Lady took it a step further and drew angry eyes on the front. Googly eyes would have been even better, but at the rate that the chickens find plastic to eat... the Fud Lady decided not to risk googly-eye ingestion.

Otherwise, the flock remains mostly the same. Coho adores Chickadee... Chickadee adores Coho and Kua. Kua adores food. Derp adores chair and hates Coho. Chickadee hates Derp and Willow. Willow has no friends (she misses Trousers terribly, it seems. She always looks for him). Lorp hates everyone. Moa is the boss of Everyone and is equally kind and disciplining to them all. Did you get all that?

Very recently, there has been a lovely blast of warm(er), dry weather. It has dried out the fresh soil in the Fud Lady's newest garden bed, and every day the chickens come out and have a big giant dust bath in this most favored of spots. The Fud Lady actually felt pretty guilty when she mulched it yesterday for spring gardening... a new dust bath spot will have to be made.

Dust bathing is an immensely joyous time. There is some sort of magical organic brainwave that chickens get when they are warm, happy, and rolling in the dirt. For these brief moments, everyone gets along and they become a churning mass of love and soil. Rivalries and grudges are forgotten when your wings and back are warmed by the sun. Disagreements are pushed aside when you roll in the earth together.

All of the chickens love dustbathing. All of them! However, if one chicken has ever truly found nirvana in the soil, it is Chickadee. She becomes so content during a dustbath that she usually falls fast asleep, and snuggles into the other chickens.

This is so fantastic. Maybe she will stay here forever.

Sometimes the other chickens wake her up, though. Coho in particular loves to cuddle in with Chickadee. They are great friends.

It's not long, however, before Chickadee is back to trying to merge with the soil, blissfully rolling in the dirt.

Boop boop boop booop boop booop?

Boo-boop boop??

Whilst all the chickens expand to four times their normal volume while dustbathing, Coho in particular is very good at getting huge.

The beard can only help.

Kua pauses in her quest for Food only long enough to dust bathe. It must make her feel pretty awesome, because not much can take her from food. Notice Chickadee dozing in the background!

Kua is adept at making faces while she bathes. It's hard to know what might be going on in her brain.


Despite missing feathers, Willow continues to be very beautiful, and strangely thinkful. She has long, hard thoughts about nearly everything.

Even Moa has her strange moments. She was observed to be pressed up against the cinder block wall earlier, whispering to it, her eye pinning wildly. One can only imagine the scandal between the two of them.

And of course... there is Derperlla.
Derperella has advanced a great deal from her early days of cotton-swab swallowing, and bread-like dustbathing.
Well, just.. just look at her!

It is hard to know, here, if Derp is truly dustbathing... or if she imagines she is being blown backward by a movie explosion.

Derp strikes up the most amazing and bizarre poses while dustbathing. Poses that none of the other chickens mirror. They are all her own.

Derp, what are you doing there, in the middle of the yard?

A few days ago, while the Dustbathing was Happening, a local Red-Shouldered hawk flew over. We've never had any trouble with this species, and all of the girls were within 3' of me and the Fud Guy, and against the house, so I felt it was safe to leave everyone out with me. Derp saw the hawk and made these noises.

Coho has a nice dustbath.
Are we certain Derp is actually a chicken?
Oh man! I ha r been waiting for a fud last update! I absolutely love love LOVE those angry eyed peepers. I laughed so loud my temporary house chicken, rotisserie, came running to see what the fuss was. It just looks so..... appropriate! Yesterday I was taking pictures of her on my lap and I got this one. It made me think of "derrrrrrrrrrp?"
I love the text you added to the pictures! "Maybe it's Maybelline" Hah!! I'm happy to hear that your chickens are doing good. Poor Willow! She sure is a pretty one. Your chickens have such personalities :)

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