Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

if i have a bully in the flock i isolate them in a cage long enough to readjust the pecking order, and carry a water bottle-\

so can they see through those things?

Yep-- I've tried that with Lorp several times. Once for a week.. then for nearly a month, to try and reset her position in the pecking order. She's as evil as ever.
They can't see through the plastic, but remember that a chicken's eyes are on the sides of its head. They can see in every direction except directly in front of them, which makes her just slow enough that she can't grab feathers of the other chickens at lightning speeds.

Can they eat with those peepers on? (just curious, don't think I would get them for my girls, can't imagine they are easy to put on :))

Oh yes. She eats and drinks just fine. She doesn't have any trouble connecting with food, even individual bits of grain. It took her about two weeks to get good at it the first time I had them on her, and now she's an expert.

No, they can't see through them. And yes, they can see down to eat. But the do struggle a bit so I HIGHLY recommend that you leave the feeder and waterer where they were located so they know where to find them and WATCH the bird closely over the first few days w/ peepers on to make sure they are eating and drinking.

Yep! After they adjust it seems to be no problem, but it's important to watch them for a while if you must use peepers. Check their crop nightly at roost time to be sure, if you can.
I used to have a nasty feather picker who was a Faverolles. I think I've talked about her here before. I tried isolating her, and it never got her to stop. I never thought to try peepers, but she was so young they probably wouldn't fit. She was really annoying and unfriendly. She now lives at a local farm. She looked kind of like Derp too, and she was from My Pet Chicken (Meyer), so they could be related!
My Beulah has 3 babies out! First time mom, she's a faverolle hen!
I know you are joking, so this isn't aimed at you, but I advise peepers as a last resort. They fit differently on different hens, as you might imagine! I filed these down and they still aren't quite 'right' on Lorp. They disfigure her nares a bit and give her a roman/aquiline nose. I suspect they might cause discomfort. They are a last resort for me... I can't give her away like I planned to if she ever got mean again, because I have Marek's in my yard. If these don't work I am out of options (did you hear that, Lorp?!).
Can you eat a chicken with Marek's??
I to have wondered if you can eat sick birds. I recall some one asking the question somewhere and the answer was yes you can eat a bird with mareks, just not one with visible tumors? Not 100% sure on that. I would like a definitive answer also
Can you eat a chicken with Marek's??

Yes, absolutely. It cannot be transferred to humans.

why would you want to eat a diseased bird?  :sick

Many of the animals we eat are probably carrying disease.. major or minor. They may never develop any symptoms. I bet even some people that raise and eat their own livestock have hidden illnesses on occasion... how would they even know? I would never have known about mareks if I did not get Trousers tested. If he had just died and I also raised meat birds... well they could carry too but I would never know. Waste not. Only zoonotic disease is of concern.

That said, of course you should always have safe meat handling practices and cook chicken all the way through to a safe temperature.
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