Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Oh boy! I am a full time artist, housewife, birdkeeper, jeweler, and more... I'm not sure if I have time to write a book!
Having full color books printed is expensive, I've done it before for my art. The last one I made cost $36 per book for a soft cover! I am not sure that I could sell them for that price, and that's not even earning a dime off of it.
Maybe pair up with someone who already has access into the publishing world... I believe there are a few on here.
They write, you illustrate... then submit to a publishing house. Who knows?! Yall might be the next Marguerite Henry and Wesley Dennis! Maybe do for backyard chickens what they did for backyard ponies.
We should all do some research on the best way for Nambroth to make a book. I work in a public school and we have a lot of special needs students. Derp's story is a great teaching tool and a worm hearted story. I have shared some of Derp's story with the Special Education Teachers and they love it. I have a friend who is a Magazine Editor and another who did write and publish his own novel on the cheep (down-low) and some how it became a hit on the internet. I'll ask them for some advise and pass it along.

Nambroth, It may take some time but I think you should really find a way to publish the Derp story with your photos, It is really the package of photos, Derp and your ability to tell the story that make Derp so awesome.
My sister used a vanity publisher to sell a book of her photographs. That may be a good initial start. I don't know if there are up-front fees, but perhaps not. If not, you are out nothing but time and effort.

Did you get my private message about bulletin boards?

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