Designing a coop for 8 hens and a rooster


7 Years
Feb 6, 2012
Charlotte, NC
Just purchased some chickens today and have to get the coop built in the next month or so. I am wanting to build the whole thing at ground level. Was going to do a massive caged area (~30 foot long by 15 foot wide) with a netting top on it. As far as a coop goes I was just going to have a three sided metal coop with the floor being the ground. The actual inside part would be probably 6'x6'x6'. How does that sound?
Sounds like a predator smorgasbord....unless you build the whole 'cage' out of 1/2" hardware cloth properly fastened that goes 2" down and 18" out on all sides.

Do some (lots) research on housing and predators before you build, unless you are willing to risk the loss of your chickens.

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