Designing and Building my Fisrt Coop and run, in So. Cal.


This is from Dec. 14. Pretty much finished at this point. Still needs shavings for the coop, DLM style. Somewhere here on BYC I spied a thread about using fallen leaves inside the run. What a great idea! And perfect timing too. I hauled in load after load of leaf litter, the piles were knee deep at the top. I thought that leaf litter would deeply blanket the run through the winter. After 2 weeks of chickens, you'd never guess. But the chickens had fun.

Wait! Did I say chickens? Yes I did! I have 10! I built a waterer with horizontal chicken nipples, and a 5 gal bucket feeder. The girls have learned to use everything and so far everything is good.
I thought that leaf litter would deeply blanket the run through the winter. After 2 weeks of chickens, you'd never guess.
Nice coop and run.
6x6 may be a bit small for 10 birds, predator proof run will help.

Leaves are good (they do disappear fast don't they?!)but best mixed with other carbons.
A good mix of size, shape, and types(some break down quick-like leaves, some last much longer like ramial wood chippings-from tree trimmers).
Too much of any one thing, especially the softer stuff, can lead to a slimy mass of anaerobic toxins. Just keep adding various dry plant matter a bit at time and keep an eye out for gunk.
Nice coop and run.
6x6 may be a bit small for 10 birds, predator proof run will help.

Leaves are good (they do disappear fast don't they?!)but best mixed with other carbons.
A good mix of size, shape, and types(some break down quick-like leaves, some last much longer like ramial wood chippings-from tree trimmers).
Too much of any one thing, especially the softer stuff, can lead to a slimy mass of anaerobic toxins. Just keep adding various dry plant matter a bit at time and keep an eye out for gunk.
Thanks for the feedback on the leaves, aart. Tree chippings aren't hard to come by around here, and I can get them for free. Or, I can rent a chipper/shredder and chip my own, plenty of material around here.

The entire enclosed area is 12x12, with a 6x6 henhouse. The chickens are only closed into the henhouse at night. I built to be predator proof, but of course until it actually is tested, who knows? I did build keeping in mind the bobcat, coyote, hawk, owl, racoon, weasel, skunk, opposum known to live around here. Not so sure it would withstand a mountain lion, but they are extremely rare visitors.

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