
Dec 7, 2021
My eggs arrived a week ago and almost all of them had detached air cells šŸ˜¢. Iā€™ll be candling them for the second time (first when they started incubating) around day ten to see if they have any life.
I initially tried to keep the worst four, more upright when turning, in a separate incubator which I made but the temperature was far too inconsistent and the humidity was way too low, they were moved to the main incubator on day two.
The main incubator has an auto turner that rolls them back and forth on their side.

Any advice for what to do with these eggs?
I remember reading somewhere that it might be a good idea to just turn them until day 10-11 and then just let them sit with blunt up but Iā€™m not sure how risky that would be

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