detailed amateur guide to construct a chicken run?


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007

We are planning to make a summer chicken run for the chickens during the hot season. But unfortunately I do not know how......... Can you help me? A very basic, large, enclosed rectangular frame made of wood and hardware cloth would do. I am a real newbie in the carpentry world, do you know how to staple hardware cloth together with wood? Detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for all the questions!

Thanks in advance!
Make it 2ft. high and get hardware cloth in 2ft width, so you don't have to cut it. Also, you can get poultry staples at TSC, which are perfect size for fastening it to wood.
Teco makes a hanger for attaching 2x2s in the corners. Its a metal brace that reinforces the corners. Home depot had them on clearance here at 23 cents each. They would take a lot of the troubles away, and leave you with a more secure run. I can get the bar code or model number for you if you like.
I have found that dog kennels work really well... Put netting over the top and done! It looks nicer too especially if you're not handy with the construction....
I landscaped along the outside of mine to help it blend in with backyard.
The best type are 10 ft. by 6 ft. panels that bolt together, not a box one that stretches along the frame......
Just my personal experience.. You can also get a 6 by 8 ft pen that is 4 ft. tall for a smaller run..
good luck.
Lyndatu, have you visited BYC's coop pages and Learning Center?
The coop pages are sometimes VERY detailed about how the coops and runs were constructed. Hope this helps.

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