Details for the next SAN DIEGO MEET UP Sept. 30, 2012

Just watched the weather last night... do we have a rain plan?
Sorry, sorry!

I was watching John Coleman last night, and he thinks the hurricane may come up north and give us rain.

From John's blog:

R A I N. Could I be serious? Rain in September In San Diego? It rarely happens. However, the long range computer model that I trust the most (known as the MRF) says that the remnants of Hurricane Miriam will spin tropical moisture and instability into the San Diego area by the end of the week and we will have rain...three days of it...Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am not guaranteeing this event; it is too far off and too outside the norm for me to absolutely forecast it with high confidence. But, I am putting it in my forecast, at least for now. Good luck to me.
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The kittens are very friendly. They love to sleep on my chest ( drives DW nuts she is the cat lover not me ) They are great with my chickens, and love kids, they kinda have to as I have 6 kids.

Darnit. I was hoping they were wild. ;) my daughter asked for a kitten. We have too many animals as it is, but other than the chickens they are all older animals and she'd love a pet that could primarily be hers. We do not plan on taking one of your kittens, do you hear me?

This is going to be a dangerous meet. :/
Darnit. I was hoping they were wild.
my daughter asked for a kitten. We have too many animals as it is, but other than the chickens they are all older animals and she'd love a pet that could primarily be hers. We do not plan on taking one of your kittens, do you hear me?
This is going to be a dangerous meet.
That's ok i don't mind you not taking ONE
we have four
for your lovely daughter How sweet of you!!!
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Does anyone want two newly hatched Cream Legbar roos? From this seller, hatched last night. Free for BYC, I an bring them to the meet.
Offer claimed!
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I have 6 barred rock light brahma x that are 4 weeks old and some silkies THAT ARE 2 WEEKS AND some ONE WEEK IF ANY ONE IS INTERESTED I WILL BRING THEM AND FERTILE DUCK EGGS sorry caps lock lol

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