Details for the next SAN DIEGO MEET UP Sept. 30, 2012

Okay Dana bring the Lavender boy, you convinced me, BUT you have to know I can't take him unless I find the dark egg layer pullets I'm also looking for AND I find a home for the BLRW cockeral I have. My husband would think I've lost my mind if I increased our number of roos and he would probably be right! I have not yet gotten to the point where I can invite them to dinner :<(.

Phage I am definitely taking your Olive Eggers!
They are yours!
So one of my hens hatched some "barnyard surprise" chicks. I'll be bringing those for $3 each.

Updated list of what I have for sale:

"Barnyard Surprise" chicks
1 male Cayuga duck
Some assorted roosters
Coturnix Quail - Glory Gold, white from choc/autumn amber tux project?, other colors. $6 each or $40 for all 8
Min rex rabbits
Cotton Patch Goose breedeing pair
Just an FYI for anyone who might be driving up and taking Poway Road to the 67:

Poway Road is going to be closed from 7-11am (I think I'm remembering this correctly) on Sunday... you'll need to take Highland Valley Road or Scripps Poway Parkway between those hours.
I promised to bring cupcakes and a dish to share. I'm going to try and make that happen, but I had a bout of pancreatitis two weeks ago and I'm still on a severely low fat diet and it's depressing to think of making something delicious that I can't eat.

So depending on my ability to be a grown-up, I may just come with boring food to feed myself.
I promised to bring cupcakes and a dish to share. I'm going to try and make that happen, but I had a bout of pancreatitis two weeks ago and I'm still on a severely low fat diet and it's depressing to think of making something delicious that I can't eat. :hit
So depending on my ability to be a grown-up, I may just come with boring food to feed myself.
You can make really bland cupcakes and decorate them super one contest at least. :gig :lol:


Don't forget about your birds too!​

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