Details for the next SAN DIEGO MEET UP Sept. 30, 2012

If anyone has some paper plates could they bring them? I'm bringing some, but just want to make sure we have enough with so many people bringing dishes to share.

I picked up name tags last night. Thanks!
I am bringing fresh lemonade to share, from my best tree. I have some cute chicken-ish items--not big enough to constitute a whole raffle prize I don't think, but really cute and fun. I have the raffle tickets too.

Now here's irony for you...I'm in the last leg of an 89-egg hatch. Between shopping for hatching eggs, running to the p.o., candling, hatching, autopsying, etc., my life has been dominated by eggs for the past month, at least. Now, I just read that we may need cupcakes tomorrow. I could make cupcakes tonight. I have everything I need except EGGS. I have 11 pullets, 21 chicks (that number is growing), two cockerels and no eggs :-( Two of the girls were laying, but one went broody and the other just stopped. Or maybe she's hiding them in the bushes when she free ranges. Tomorrow I am going to leave her locked in the pen while I'm gone, and she is not coming out until I see an egg. Doesn't help with cupcakes for tomorrow though....
I am bringing:

one Lavender Ameraucana roo, hatched in June
one Silver Laced Wyandotte hen, currently laying, under a year
one Wheaten Ameraucana hen, currently laying, under a year

one Splash Cuckoo Marans roo, hatched in May. I won't bring him unless somebody wants him for an OE program; he's not up to the French standard.

I also have three beefy Olive Egger cockerels that are almost ready for freezer camp if anyone is interested... if you are, I will run back home and grab some. They've been fed 100% organically and only with soy-free feed, and should be exceptionally tasty.

Meatballs in BBQ sauce
Cupcakes (that I am not making myself)
Raffle prizes
Raffle tickets
Paper plates

Does anyone want some fruit from my trees?
I am bringing:

one Lavender Ameraucana roo, hatched in June
one Silver Laced Wyandotte hen, currently laying, under a year
one Wheaten Ameraucana hen, currently laying, under a year

one Splash Cuckoo Marans roo, hatched in May. I won't bring him unless somebody wants him for an OE program; he's not up to the French standard.

I also have three beefy Olive Egger cockerels that are almost ready for freezer camp if anyone is interested... if you are, I will run back home and grab some. They've been fed 100% organically and only with soy-free feed, and should be exceptionally tasty.

Meatballs in BBQ sauce
Cupcakes (that I am not making myself)
Raffle prizes
Raffle tickets
Paper plates

Does anyone want some fruit from my trees?
Dana - I'm not sure what you have as far as fruit goes, but if it's something good for canning/making jelly/jams etc. and it's going to go to waste - I can take as much as you can give, and share some with you after it's canned. :)
Just wanted to put this out there again, if anyone has any of these, I'm interested:

Barred Rock
Plymouth Rock
Ameraucana other than black or wheaten
Red Star
Black Star
or one that lays giant eggs, maybe even double yolkers.

Dana, if you have any lemons, I'd love some!!

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