Devestation, i'm mad, heartbroken and i have given up

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Very sad. For our chicken run we used 4x4’s and 2x6’s with 1/4 inch hardware cloth. In addition we surrounded it with 2x4 welded wire. We have mountain lions, foxes, raccoons, name it, as well as neighborhood dogs and nothing has gotten in. We also have feeding tubes that we seal every night. Hope you can rebuild and sorry for your loss.
I also stapled the hardware cloth1” bigger than the opening, then framed it in wood on top.
I'm so sorry to hear all that! So so sad. I just lost one of mine, but can only imagine how YOU feel!
Where I live (I'm in the country too), if you feed or harbor a stray you are responsible for it, including getting it's shots, and if it causes harm to others, etc.
I hope this gets straightened out!
Tthere is NO animal control here. We are 20 miles from nearest town. That town has 2500 people in it. The neighbors ARE feeding mama dog. She wasn't starving and she isn't starving now. She ate 3 chickens Friday and a rooster Saturday. She'll come back-I'm waiting.
Find a kind solution. Killing dogs is not the answer. If properly built, a dog cannot get in. Calm yourself and do the better thing.
Living in a rural area with minimal services is quite different than the city / suburban experience. Where we are there is no animal control, no licensing, no shelter. When someone decides to get rid of an animal they often drive out on a back road and dump it. At that point the animal
- Might get lucky and find someone who will take it in
- Starve to death
- Get eaten by coyotes
- Join a pack of other stray dogs and prey on deer and livestock.
The best answer is responsible pet ownership, which includes spay / neuter so the country isn’t awash with animals. We’ve taken in two dogs and a cat, the inn is full. When a dog shows up that is skin & bones / sick a quick bullet to the head is the most humane path. Also, if a dog (owned or stray) is caught running livestock, the livestock owner is permitted to use lethal force.
I admit I'm a booger-eating newbie, including to country living, chickens, and to this board, but here is what I think, FWIW:

1) KEEP THAT GUN IN THE CABINET! Violence and weapons never make situations better. They are for dire emergencies, when there's no other choice. The attack is over. Now it's time to use your words and your thoughts. You're upset, and angry (and rightfully so) which is a bad time for weapons of any type. The dire emergency is passed, and is now become a dispute. Good news is you have the high ground in this dispute. You instantly lose that high ground when you pull a trigger.
2) Put out the fire. Get the remaining bird somewhere safe from the dog.
3) Calmly and respectfully confront the other party. Think carefully about what you're going to say. Anticipate their defenses, and prepare responses. Make a list of exactly what you think you are owed to make things right. Think about possible win-win solutions. But be prepared to walk away, and go to court/the authorities if needed. If voices raise, walk away immediately. If you cannot use words, send certified letters, even if they're next door. Your actions are provable and in writing. Think of it as an opportunity to set an example to the young ones in your life on how to settle things well.
4) Don't give up. You obviously loved your birds. I submit that you owe it to yourself to rebuild and carry on. It sounds like you are in the later part of your life, please don't let despair and fear ruin what should be the most rewarding phase of your life.
5) Rebuild. Think carefully and critically about what went wrong with your coop/run design. For my part I was advised to fasten the HC on the outside of the frame (pressure treated 2x4s) so as to force animals to push against the fasteners rather than pull them out. Tractor Supply sells thick-wired hog panels (they're pricey) you could fasten to the outside to augment the HC, believe me nothing is getting through that stuff.

I hope I've helped, and I wish you all the best.

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