Deworming question???


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 14, 2010
I have been reading some threads on deworming. I am new to chickens and still learning as I go. Do I need to deworm twice a year for my little backyard flock? My chickens all seem very healthy and happy. Every once in a while I find a sticky brown poop, almost pudding like. Is this a sign of worms? I do have a friend that is worried about her hens as some have very poopy feathers near the vent along with some missing feathers. Can someone tell me the signs of a chicken that might have worms? There is so much informations and many opinions it become overwhelming.

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many times if they have worms. you'll see remnants of them in their poop.

I usually just worm mine once a year... and it's almost time again.

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