DH Has a Pocket Pooper (pics)

Cheerful, Shadow is a lavender bantam Cochin. She is my only banty, my only Cochin and my only lavender. We adore that little minx. amarie, they can have aspirin and I have given her that. The joint is very swollen and red, so I have my doubts that it will work, but we'll try one more time for her. suebee, I would usually put them down with something like that, but hey, we put intestines back into her sibling and superglued it shut, so why not try to help this one, too? If this doesn't work, we will put her down. I don't like to see little ones in pain like that. She is sleeping right now and on occasion wakes up and cheeps quietly.
My heart goes out to you. I have a one week old baby in Chick ICU myself. He was hatched from a pip by the first chick to arrive. He just pecked at him till he had him zipped, and outta the shell, bleeding with some yolk attached. He survived that and this morning he woke up with a huge hard impacted crop. It appears to be much better after treatment. We'll see how he does overnight. I may spend another night in the recliner!
Oh there good to have around for hatching. Best incubator and dont ask much.

I hope the little fella makes it. But it is in the best place it could possibly be right now. A caring BYC'er
The joint is just loose and won't work at all for the little thing. She is in too much pain and even if we allowed her to keep going, she could not compete with any others for food/water. So, after 5 days of splinting and aspirin for pain, we just have to let her go. I so hate euthanizing an otherwise healthy chick, but we've done it before. Feedstore pushed a poor little crook-necked BR pullet into my hand when I pointed out its deformity in their brooder. Took it home with another for company (that was Ivy, who is almost 4 yrs old now). It became clear that it couldn't thrive and we let her go, too, then bought another pullet to keep Ivy company, which turned out to be my Lexie.
Cynthia, you are doing the right thing, even though it can break your heart.
You are a good animal husbandry person (does that make sense?)

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