Diagnosis Found • Lab Testing Birds • New Developments

wow, thinking of you
Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to the next update on what the cultures revealed. As far as the crops are concerned, whether large or small, it means the birds are eating. Just make sure the araucana's crop continues to fill and empty at a normal rate.
This is what was puzzling. I saw the previous hens exhibit this same behavior. I thought they were eating, but it looks like it was not as much as the others. Then they started hanging out inside the coop behind the door and every so often they would shake their head like they were trying to get water off their beak or face.

There are no sore on the face, or lice and mites, Her throat is wide open with no lesions or masses growing. There are no signs of any respiratory illnesses, or trouble walking.

I am waiting for the stretching of the neck, the yawning and opening of the mouth, the running for food but deciding not to eat, even a little crankiness and protectiveness of the food they want but can't eat.

By then she will be so skinny and run down that she catches my attention and we start forcing food, and flushing the crop. And by this time it has been too late..this is when the hen will lay down and die.
Its sounds like you are describing aspergillosis. I know I already said that previously. If you cannot get a hold of nystatin from a vet, I would make sure you follow some strict guidelines.

Clean (with bleach) the food and water bowls daily. Give fresh water and fresh food daily. Eating and drinking is the number one way to infect or reinfect other birds. Each time a birds takes a sip of water, it leaves behind germs and organisms that will live in the water and attach itself to the next bird drinking out of the same waterer. Same with food.

Use only pine bedding, NO STRAW or mulch or other woods of any type. Keep it immaculate. Each day, scrape the off the top layer and put fresh bedding down.

Try to feed only high quality feed with very little corn. If giving treats, only feed scrambled eggs. If feeding veggies/fruit, wash with soap and water first.

Use vitamins. I like avia charge 2000 in the water daily.

There may be more but this is what I can think of now. If the results come back showing canker is positive, you can get metronidazole (flagyl) from First State Vet. Its about $20 for a bottle of 250mg tablets. One tablet per bird daily for 5-7 days.
Wow! Thanks for this....I am reading with interest. I have a chick down with the head flip/turn over virus, but its only one and Im pretty sure that I know what this is and is not....its just good to know this information!...Im gonna look at my birds more closely this evening!
When I search for information regarding Aspergillosis, I can't find symptoms that match all the symptoms that my flock has had. I am still looking.

The Chicken Health Handbook states the bird will contact pneumonia. There are no signs of a respiratory illness in any of the living or passed birds. I held the Aracauna up to my ear and she sounds clear and her heart is strong. To the untrained eye, the chicken looks normal and healthy.
Here are some of the things I came across in my research of fungal/Yeast(Candida albicans) infections. Of course, not every bird will show every symptom and these symptoms are definately symptoms of other illnesses as well, including canker.
o Inappetance.
o Weakness.
o Silent gasping.
o Rapid breathing.
o Thirst/increased drinking.
o Drowsiness.
o Nervous signs (rare).
o Wasting.

symptoms are gasping, coughing, stretching of the neck, shaking head, sleepiness, loss of appetite, rapid loss of weight and sometimes convulsions and death.
Base of feathers on back of neck become raised and feathers come out easily.

Alot of these symptoms will show up when it is too late. Symptoms will be magnified in times of stress and may be hidden when not stressed. In times of heavy stress, fluid or mucus can be found coating entire mouth, even dripping out.

Respiratory symptoms may show up in later stages and when treated with respiratory meds, will seem to improve condition immediately but is short lived and will quickly worsen.

This is all due to a lowered immune system and secondary infections are likely. You may be dealing with one or more illnesses at one time.

I have gone over many websites regarding this because I am dealing with it also i believe. I have been having great luck with my treatments so far. My birds appears to be getting much stronger. Some of the sites I pulled info from include Mississippi state university extension system, the poultry site, University of Florida and many many more. I just read and read and read until I couldnt read any more.
I'm also eagerly waiting your lab results. I want to thank everyone who takes such time with these posts on this website. I am so grateful to finally have a source of information. Just want to say keep it up, and thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!!!
Any diagnosis yet?

Could be Coryza. Does she smell terrible? That's a telltale sign. I once cared for a bird with coryza. He was otherwise fit as a fiddle but his throat was filled with cheesy goup. He had trouble eating and would have suffocated if I hadn't cleaned his throat regularly. Not to mention he REEKED. Coryza is nasty. Best approach is to kill anything that catches it, unfortunately. It's a carrier disease and nearly impossible to get rid of once it's introduced to a flock.
I received a written preliminary report that went over the facts the doctor gave me on Friday. Something new, down in the Bacteriology Report it shows specimen 0006, a Liver Swab found no growth after 48 hours; specimen 0007 a Tracheal Swab found Mixed Flora Mod#. The Biotechnology section is not completed, I am hoping there will be result forthcoming. I think more results will be coming; specimens 0001-0005 and a report that say final report.
The only flag in his findings was ventriculus was filled with fibrous material but very little feed. I expected very little feed because I did all the culling first thing in the morning.

UPDATE I left out something; he found pulmonary congestion and edema.

The Ameracauna (EE) has no new findings or symptoms. I did notice she has very small droppings, nothing abnormal about the droppings color or substance, it looks normal, just small because she is not eating much. I think we have to wait for another bird to get so weak, and then send her in for testing to get more conclusive answers.
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