

Aug 21, 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon
I have a hen that has diahrrea. It took a few days to identify which chicken, then a few days to watch her and see if it would clear up by itself. It hasn't. Today she has been sitting in the sun, not moving much, but she did lay an egg. This is the first day I have seen her exhibit any behavior that can possibly be considered out of the ordinary, although it is the first warm, sunny day we've had in about a week, so she might just be sunbathing. Regardless, how can I help her get over this?
A picture of the poop would help. What do you feed them? Do any other of your chickens have similar symptoms?

Do you worm your flock? Could it be coccidiosis? Do you keep them on the same ground and has it been warm & wet recently?
I'd get them some probiotics as in sugar-free Greek yogurt, probiotic powder for their water, etc. That could take care of it if she's got an overload of bacteria in her system.

It could be mites so I'd check her/them over.
No poop pic, bit it was black and runny the other day. Now I am seeing green and runny. No other chickens have any symptoms. Didn't know that diahrrea was a coccidiosis symptom. No, no worming of my chickens but I do spinkle a tiny bit of diatomaceous earth in their food, and the area they dust bathe in. It has been cool and wet for quite a while-we are in Oregon. They all share 2/3rds of a big backyard. I do think they need one more roost bar, but otherwise they have a nice dry coop and a 4' x 12' hoop house that is dry, where they can hang out, where their dust bath are is.
A picture of the poop would help. What do you feed them? Do any other of your chickens have similar symptoms?

Do you worm your flock? Could it be coccidiosis? Do you keep them on the same ground and has it been warm & wet recently?
I feed them all flock food from Coastal Farm, can't remember the brand name. I will be switching soon to am all flock feed that a chicken farmer near me, who supplies eggs to a chain of organic grocery stores.
I'd get them some probiotics as in sugar-free Greek yogurt, probiotic powder for their water, etc. That could take care of it if she's got an overload of bacteria in her system.

It could be mites so I'd check her/them over.
Thanks. They are kinda wild, except that they let me pet them when they curtsey. So I will check them tomorrow. I have plain yogurt I can give them all. Do I just put it in a bowl for them? Or should I mix it with their feed?
When you say green and runny it could be an infection, or liver issues, poor nutrition, or any number of things. I’d worm them at least. How old are they?

The one with the diarrhoea, if you can catch her at night and feel her abdomen between keel bone and vent. Is it squishy, hard, taut like a water balloon?

Check her crop at night to make sure it’s full and again in the morning to make sure it’s empty.
When you say green and runny it could be an infection, or liver issues, poor nutrition, or any number of things. I’d worm them at least. How old are they?

The one with the diarrhoea, if you can catch her at night and feel her abdomen between keel bone and vent. Is it squishy, hard, taut like a water balloon?

Check her crop at night to make sure it’s full and again in the morning to make sure it’s empty.
Since it is only one of my 6 chickens, I don't think it is poor nutrition. I will check her crop and abdomen, thanks. Is there a "home remedy" for worming? I am not averse to taking her to the vet for a prescription medication, just wondering.
Since it is only one of my 6 chickens, I don't think it is poor nutrition. I will check her crop and abdomen, thanks. Is there a "home remedy" for worming? I am not averse to taking her to the vet for a prescription medication, just wondering.

She might be getting bullied away from the food and not eating enough.

I think there are various home remedies to help prevent worms but to actually deworm your flock I would recommend using medication.

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