Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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TIDBITTING! ha! new word of the day! ha ha ha

Some info I didnt know had a name.... Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. <GASPS> This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.
This is what I am dealing with... all because I didnt tame them enough to catch the rats and wax um up! idiot! My beautiful roosters are UGLY and NASTY! I may dub sporty still researching, I dont want to loose them! I will grow out more that I just hatched too. ugggggg DUMB!! I want to move south SOOOOO bad!! DH and I want to move to SC close to his Dad! JOBS are issues, I want a farm!!! lol money sucks

Goodness those combs are huge! Man, I wish I needed another rooster, I love the CCL boys! Gorgeous! Sally, we'll be neighbors. I've been saying forever I want to move to South Carolina...I want Spanish Moss hanging in my trees (I know it's parasitic) It's a dream of mine!

coch is the look of my roos normal for you then? that stinks!

Yeah... Just about everyone up here understands that large combs won't last.

My 6 year old LF cochin rooster Tom has suffered frostbite every year. During the first year he lost all the points of his comb. The second he lost a bit more and so on. He has also lost a chunk of his wattles. Poor boy. Soon there won't be anything left to lose.

I panicked over the frostbite during my first winter. Sadly, now it seems normal.
TIDBITTING! ha! new word of the day! ha ha ha

Some info I didnt know had a name.... Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. <GASPS> This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.
Wow. My hens must really love Basil. He does that "tidbitting" every ten seconds, even with sticks. XD He also has a huge, bright red pea comb. XD
I am really wanting to post some pictures of my chickens. My chickens don't seem to be suffering with frostbit all too much, just a bit on the tips of their combs. The other day, I took a BBQ- brush/thing and put some petroleum jelly on it, and when they were on their roost at night, I just reached over and smeared the stuff all over their combs, even my rooster, basil (who I believe just might be one of the angriest roosters alive). But when he's on his roost, even if you try to push him off, he just falls forward and bounces back onto the roost. I've tried too.
I don't let them outside because they hate hate HATE the snow, and because I know that if I did, they would be solid blocks of chicken.
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