Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Crud, looks like we've got more chicks coming after all... I got the cage cleared finally so I could break my broody hen. Yesterday evening for some reason I decided to stick my hand under her and check, because I've been hearing the eggs song, but I didn't see any eggs... Yep, you guessed it. The other girls slipped her a few
She's sitting on for and I have no idea how far along they are. I'll give them a few days and candle them.
three more quitters. Down to five out of 20 shipped eggs. Huuuu. Crossing fingers really want these
What in the world is going on in that bator dolfi!

How are you doing with the ventilation and plugs? what brand is it again, and what hygro and thermometers are you using? still air or air (sorry I cant keep track of everyone) and what temp are you running at? and you bleached and sterized the bator well? what is the humidity outside inside vs the bator?

somethings array, we will figure this out!
UGGGGG My air cells are SMALL yet for lockdown being tomorrow!!! Stupid hygros are still not here, Thank God I took all water out when I did, they should still be ok... me thinks :(
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Crud, looks like we've got more chicks coming after all... I got the cage cleared finally so I could break my broody hen. Yesterday evening for some reason I decided to stick my hand under her and check, because I've been hearing the eggs song, but I didn't see any eggs... Yep, you guessed it. The other girls slipped her a few
She's sitting on for and I have no idea how far along they are. I'll give them a few days and candle them.
crud??????????? lmao
Six with one mortality. Would have been seven but I woke up to a chick that died since he couldn't zip. Welp, it was my first time... >< Out of 15 viable eggs btw.
Sounds like you may have a humidity problem. When you opened them up did they seem shrink wrapped or maybe soggy?

Nikki! do you have a baby blanket in with those chicks!!! and they have landscaping!!!
I suddenly feel so neglectful of my chicks who only get a plastic tub, a light, a towel and some food or water. I never thought of aesthetics and plants.
UGGGGG My air cells are SMALL yet for lockdown being tomorrow!!! Stupid hygros are still not here, Thank God I took all water out when I did, they should still be ok... me thinks :(
My air cells were small too and I ended up with wet, wet chicks. Ended up getting a setup from incubator warehouse and realized that the accurites were not so accurate or rite. I had eggs in the incubator that were about a week behind those wet ones and I lowered the humidity to like 15% and raised the temp to 102 and I ended up saving two out of 5 from that batch. I have another set that is a week out from those and the weights and air cells are looking much more appropriate. I should add that I sanded the eggs that I was trying to save too and the ones that I sanded the most are the ones that hatched and survived.
I suddenly feel so neglectful of my chicks who only get a plastic tub, a light, a towel and some food or water. I never thought of aesthetics and plants.
LOL! Me too! Maybe I need to add some mood lighting since I don't have time to run out & get plants and stuff and mine are already on lockdown.
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