Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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We buried it in the front yard.

Thank you! I was reading the article last night and was/still hoping they will come out on their own. But only one of my barred rocks is out and even pipped so I'm starting to worry.

Quick update. I helped one chick make a hole and it is resting looks like it may zip anytime so I'm happy about that. Candled and tapped the others and was feeling discouraged all morning because I didn't see movement or hear chirping. But set them all really close together in an upward position more like the way they were incubating the first days.

Then as fate would have it both my thermometers went hey wire one reading 90º the other 105º!!! Blah! Ran to the store and none of the stores in my wonderful small townhad even a baby thithermometer. So finally dollar general pulled through. Got a baby therm. And got the temp under control.

Thinking wow if they weren't gonners before they are now. Well a few minutes ago I went to check and some are now wiggling!!! Yay!! Total miracle. Hopefully they will pull through! I am really liking just leaving them alone though I think if I would have freaked out and intervened I may have done more damage then just waiting it out.
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