Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Serama are all hatched and just put in brooder, two never positioned to pip and Dead in shell

Just moved the majority of the hatch over to brooder. have a bunch remaining with pips and I did a quick candle of the no pips and looks like 4 are dead in shell after draw down :(

Candled all eggs remaining in the cabinet bator, most of Harmonys Silkies she won are clears, I left four eggs in but they dont look good at all, nasty air cells and very odd embryos, she is a tad upset about the silkies but there are plenty of serama anyways!

I ended up assisting the chick I helped pip. Slowly and carefully following the instructions. It's still in the incubator fluffing up and resting :)

Still no pips from the others but wiggling/shaking is going on still so I've decided to leave them be for tonight. I hope thats the right choice. I feel exhausted!
Serama are all hatched and just put in brooder, two never positioned to pip and Dead in shell Just moved the majority of the hatch over to brooder. have a bunch remaining with pips and I did a quick candle of the no pips and looks like 4 are dead in shell after draw down :( Candled all eggs remaining in the cabinet bator, most of Harmonys Silkies she won are clears, I left four eggs in but they dont look good at all, nasty air cells and very odd embryos, she is a tad upset about the silkies but there are plenty of serama anyways!
So sorry about your dead ones :-( and your clears.
thats high humidity and what we were all dealing with, if you woulda been on HERE with us we could have helped each other out!!! HA HA HA I think we all ended up running completely dry until lockdown and finally getting better hatches! At least I am! it was a wet winter of snow rain ice and it just stuck around alllllll winter long!!! still snow all over the place here!! arggggg
our weather is still weird. Going to be the the 70's the next few days but then back down to the 50's. Winter just doesn't want to let go.

Still shaking but no pips. I'm thinking this is barely day 23 though. I thought Monday was day 21 but I set them at like five in the evening so Tuesday at five would really be day 21 so right now I'm in between 22 and 23. And my temps were weird yesterday mornin. Should I hold out or do a float test? I was thinking I could wait to do that this evening. I've seen three for sure move but the others are probably gone.

Still shaking but no pips. I'm thinking this is barely day 23 though. I thought Monday was day 21 but I set them at like five in the evening so Tuesday at five would really be day 21 so right now I'm in between 22 and 23. And my temps were weird yesterday mornin. Should I hold out or do a float test? I was thinking I could wait to do that this evening. I've seen three for sure move but the others are probably gone.

Baby chick I helped after it started a pip but no progress after over twelve hours doing great


Remaining eggs #1 3 & 6 moving/shaking #3 most active.

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