Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Serama are all hatched and just put in brooder, two never positioned to pip and Dead in shell Just moved the majority of the hatch over to brooder. have a bunch remaining with pips and I did a quick candle of the no pips and looks like 4 are dead in shell after draw down :( Candled all eggs remaining in the cabinet bator, most of Harmonys Silkies she won are clears, I left four eggs in but they dont look good at all, nasty air cells and very odd embryos, she is a tad upset about the silkies but there are plenty of serama anyways!

Hatch complete, added aprox 50 eggs into the bator this morning.....

I will need to get a small tray for serama at some point. and a larger one as some of the CCL are a tad too large and I dont want rollers!

I have orders for big lots of brahma in the next few weeks, pray the hens give us what we need and I think we need to build another bator like this to keep up.
[COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Hatch complete, added aprox 50 eggs into the bator this morning..... [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]I will need to get a small tray for serama at some point. and a larger one as some of the CCL are a tad too large and I dont want rollers![/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]I have orders for big lots of brahma in the next few weeks, pray the hens give us what we need and I think we need to build another bator like this to keep up. [/COLOR]
many blessing to you and your hatching. Love good stories

Hatch complete, added aprox 50 eggs into the bator this morning.....

I will need to get a small tray for serama at some point. and a larger one as some of the CCL are a tad too large and I dont want rollers!

I have orders for big lots of brahma in the next few weeks, pray the hens give us what we need and I think we need to build another bator like this to keep up.

Love it! Just finished our "large" 'bator - although, in comparison, not quite as large as yours! I will have to take some pics tonight and post them... Do you hatch out in smaller coolers?
Woo hoo!! #1is pipping!!!! So happy right now here is to be patient and waiting even though its so hard not knowing what's going on in those eggs!!!!!

It is very hard to be patient! But soon you will have chicks & that's best of all
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