Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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What's amprolium Oz? If I get chicks to hatch, shouldn't I buy medicated chick food?

Coch, what is the March 4, 2014 chick picture about on your pictures? Is that a yolk sac? What happened to the chick?
it is a non-antibiotic medication to prevent coccidiasis.

the chicks build up immunity to cocci without being overrun with the bug

it therefore should not effect fermentation.
My first hatch is officially over ii started with 18 eggs and 13 made it to lock down 7 hatched with one being an assisted hatch. Out of six shipped eggs only two hatched but I'm really happy with the experience! And I knew going into it shipped eggs have a low hatch rate and these guys came from Ohio to Arizona. Whew. My shipped are plymouth barred rocks and I have no clue what the locals are. They were free and they are yellow abd fluffy and cute. ;-)

Congratulations on your new babies Katie! Have lots of fun with them. I'm wondering, did you crack open the remaining eggs and take pictures of the results? Would you have done anything differently?

Hatch complete, added aprox 50 eggs into the bator this morning.....

I will need to get a small tray for serama at some point. and a larger one as some of the CCL are a tad too large and I dont want rollers!

I have orders for big lots of brahma in the next few weeks, pray the hens give us what we need and I think we need to build another bator like this to keep up.
Build me one too while you are at it.
WHs and buff geese. I'm very excited for them!
I know they are messy, but if they weren't, they wouldn't be so much fun!
I had 3 Pekin ducks for awhile. I sold them. WAY to messy for me. Had to change the pool water every other day. Not my bag of tea I guess. lol
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I'm about to buy another incubator.one for incubation, another for hatching.
Any recommendations? I don't want to make one, although, I'm sure with a vivarium electronics thermostat with heat tape would likely work, that's rather (read: VERY) expensive, and I need something that I can set, it works, and I don't have to mess with it.


Oh, oh! ETA: this is for shipped eggs, so..on topic!
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another thread to keep up with!! I will I like Fred!
My first hatch is officially over ii started with 18 eggs and 13 made it to lock down 7 hatched with one being an assisted hatch. Out of six shipped eggs only two hatched but I'm really happy with the experience! And I knew going into it shipped eggs have a low hatch rate and these guys came from Ohio to Arizona. Whew. My shipped are plymouth barred rocks and I have no clue what the locals are. They were free and they are yellow abd fluffy and cute. ;-)

Quote: ha ha ha!!! Tony did I mention I will soon be getting some HRIR eggies!!!

I'm about to buy another incubator.one for incubation, another for hatching.
Any recommendations? I don't want to make one, although, I'm sure with a vivarium electronics thermostat with heat tape would likely work, that's rather (read: VERY) expensive, and I need something that I can set, it works, and I don't have to mess with it.


Oh, oh! ETA: this is for shipped eggs, so..on topic!
sorry no help here! I dont think at this point I will ever use anything but coolers ;)
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