Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Quote: Haha, give her all your best birds to make her happy.
I have a question for the group. If I choose to use my box Bator for hatching should I wait to move them till I see or hear a sign of hatching? Right now my LG is holding stable at 102* on top of the goose eggs and about 99 on the grate. The humidity is around 34% in the front and 29% in the back. I have the ducks and geese above the bit of water in the bottom and have started misting them twice a day. Does that sound right so far?
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A lot of those eggs look really good, fox!
Can't wait for hatch day for you!

Sonoralinda, it could be from the egg being scrambled in transit or a weak embryo.

Oh, and I woke up to a pip this morning! Here's the picture! It's already bigger now than it was before!

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