Diary of the Binghams First Flock

From what I've seen in my chickens so far is that any cockerels will *usually* develop a comb first and I've noticed mine stand different. Almost in an assertive and watchful way.
And that is awesome that she loves you this early in her life! Hopefully that will carry on through the years.
From what I've seen in my chickens so far is that any cockerels will *usually* develop a comb first and I've noticed mine stand different. Almost in an assertive and watchful way.
And that is awesome that she loves you this early in her life! Hopefully that will carry on through the years.
I will keep an eye on her. One of my BO are also developing a slight comb, but nothing is getting pink or red yet so I'm still hopeful.

We will have to get rid of any Roo because while there is no ordinance against them, I really don't want our neighbors hating us, plus my kids already get up super early. I don't want a rooster making it earlier! lol It'll be sad though.

I'm hoping hoping hoping she is a pullet!
Took the chicks outside! It's so warm out today. I'll take them out again later when I have to clean their brooder. I got a few shots of them but mostly they wanted to stay in the transport brooder (that's what I call it).

One loved it. I was hoping to get individual shots so I can make up their pictures with names on them. But I got very few of those. Will try again later though.

Here are some of the pictures of them having a cautious time outside. The cutest moment was when the neighbors dog barked and two of them jumped out of their skin and into my lap. It was one of those "awww i'm their momma" moments. lol :D
Here are some side by side growth pictures of the chicks. :) I am so enamored with them. So much personality. I love watching them grow! These are from 2 wks to 3 wks.

Lola. The keeper of the hens. Makes sure everyone is behaving and fair.

Black Betty. Kind of a bully. Likes to have everything for herself. Pushes the others around but still loves the flock. Kind of like an annoying bossy sister.

Ariel. She's kind of more like a curious cat. First to explore. She caught a fly in mid air today. Sometimes she does some realllllly stupid stuff though. So I can't tell if she's dumb or so smart she's too curious.

Belle. She's timid. Sweet. Lower on the pecking order than her BO sister. Don't know much about her yet. 4

Iris. She's kind of a loner. She likes her flock mates and cuddles with everyone. She's really pretty too me. Her and Lola are tied for largest of the chicks.

Suzy-Q. Don't know much about her. Lower on the pecking order for sure.

Jolene. She's a fire pistol. She has some amazing stink eye too. She's the smallest but man her force is to be reckoned. I'm not sure any of the wyandottes are actually 3 weeks. They look more like barely 2. But I was told they are all 2 weeks old, so that's what I will stick with.

Layla. Don't know much about her.

Delilah. She holds her own, but I don't know a lot about her either.

Lucy. Don't know much about her either. Yet. I'm hopeful soon I'll know a little bit about all the chickens personalities. :D
The chicks are getting really big now. They are 4 weeks old and some change. They love going outside to play but are still in a brooder. We are hoping to get the coop up and running by this weekend. We just need to install roost bars and get the bedding down and have a few more misc things for feeders and waterers. I'd love to have them in there by this weekend..... It'll be a stretch though. The brooder is getting smaller and smaller for them, they are roosting on the sides and the poop around the edges is hitting critical mass. Good thing we have disinfectant wipes for the floor.
Here are a few pictures of them playing outside.

Suzy-Q being inquisitive.

close up of Iris. The largest of the chicks, she already looks mostly hen-like, only smaller and still has some fluffy areas.

Layla and Jolene are having a spat.

Lola. She's calm.

Suzy Q is being quite the clown. :)
Hi!so there's this thing called chicken book,it's on here,and it's called:chickenbook(a "Facebook"Type Chat Thread for your chickens!). It's like face book,but it's the chickens saying the words not you!go check it out,it's in game,jokes,and fun!

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