Did anyone else get that email survey this morning about an hour ago?

I was surprised it was Purina.. I'm sure they have a web site to give imput. ?
I've given input on the website...just figured with a targeted survey they'd pay a little more attention to the responses.
We found out that they had a limit on the number of people that could take the survey. They didn't expect the response to be so huge (so, great job everyone!) and so anybody who clicked on the link AFTER the limit would get the notice like the one pictured here.

I also learned that here were also some questions that would disqualify someone from receiving the coupon, like if you were under 18, didn't have chickens, had over 200 chickens, already buy feed in bulk, etc.

I'm very upset that these requirements weren't posted in the email and also in the first page of the survey!
I didnt get any email. I dont feed mine at all any more though. 100% free range..

So love the name of your farm! Free range is awesome.. We cleaned out the coop today, made a huge pile for them to dig in, boy were they happy, they found tons of bugs & a few lizards.. They are spoiled little brats.. We even give them lovies even if they don't want it. :love
I got the same email today and as soon as I clicked on the "take the survey" button, I was immediately given the same screen saying that I did not qualify. Since I wasn't even given any questions, don't see how they could know whether I qualified or not. Just sounds like one more internet scammer. I wonder if they somehow are able to glean your email info when you click on their link and we will now be barraged with their junk mail?
After reading thru this thread, I just had to go check my email and see if I got one. And yes, there it was! Thanks for the heads up as I would have been there doing the survey! :)
I got the same email today and as soon as I clicked on the "take the survey" button, I was immediately given the same screen saying that I did not qualify. Since I wasn't even given any questions, don't see how they could know whether I qualified or not. Just sounds like one more internet scammer. I wonder if they somehow are able to glean your email info when you click on their link and we will now be barraged with their junk mail?

Check the reply on this post from the administrator. It might help answer your questions.
They should kill the link and stop collecting information.
We found out that they had a limit on the number of people that could take the survey. They didn't expect the response to be so huge (so, great job everyone!) and so anybody who clicked on the link AFTER the limit would get the notice like the one pictured here.

I also learned that here were also some questions that would disqualify someone from receiving the coupon, like if you were under 18, didn't have chickens, had over 200 chickens, already buy feed in bulk, etc.

I'm very upset that these requirements weren't posted in the email and also in the first page of the survey!

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